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My contracts up for renewal and as ive got 3 phones with them and spending a 5er short of £100 every month i thought ok lets see what your offering first person offered me 2 c902 and 1 c905 with tarrifs which were ok ,i said i would think about it overnight which i did and thought sod it i will take their offer ,however when i phoned back they told me i shouldnt have been offered the above phones as i wasnt spending enough so they were told where to shove their phones and contracts and being a customer for 8 years i was well peeeeddd off,so off the letter has gone to if you are reading Mr Vodafone you can stick your network and phones right up you deaf and dumb,thats my rant over and off i go looking for a good deal.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  Renaultsport 220T
Voda have been pestering me every day for the last two weeks. Contract is up in a week, and I'm off to o2, iphone time.

No matter what they offer me, it isn't going to be as good.
  172 cup
I used to work for them and £100 on 3 phones is peanuts to them tbh. They rate it in $ on their computers or atleast they used to $ being a low user which i would imagine your accounts are and $$$$ being a high user allowing them pretty much whatever they wanted. Sometimes better to go instore at the end of each month as if they haven't hit their targets they sometimes bend the rules. Also just asking for your PAC code so you can move to another network sometimes helps them try retain your custom but in the big picture you spend quite a little amount. Stupid thing is you could start again with them with new numbers and get a better deal than what they are offering you with the upgrade.
managed to get c905 on £20 a month 600 mins unlimited texts,taking out another two contracts with 3 for kids so going to end up spending less a month ,so vodafones loss in the end as they could have had £80 -£90 a month instead of £20,hey -ho
I used to work for them and £100 on 3 phones is peanuts to them tbh. They rate it in $ on their computers or atleast they used to $ being a low user which i would imagine your accounts are and $$$$ being a high user allowing them pretty much whatever they wanted. Sometimes better to go instore at the end of each month as if they haven't hit their targets they sometimes bend the rules. Also just asking for your PAC code so you can move to another network sometimes helps them try retain your custom but in the big picture you spend quite a little amount. Stupid thing is you could start again with them with new numbers and get a better deal than what they are offering you with the upgrade.
Still exactly the same with the $'s mate, nothing changes hey :)
172 Ben,wait a minute if they were getting £80 -£90 a month then they get £20 a month for 12 months ,explain why that is not a loss .i know what your saying about not spending a lot with them but if there another 100 of me out there then thats a big would i be right in saying if your boss was paying you £80 £90 a day then suddenly pays you £ 20 a day you would not say your loosing(yeah right).
  Renaultsport 220T
i would stay for the storm :)

Not when it's not compatible with itunes on mac.

From their site...

BlackBerry Media Sync is compatible with 32-bit editions of Windows XP Service Pack 2 which can be used with iTunes version 7.0 or higher AND 32-bit editions of Windows Vista which can be used with iTunes version 7.2 or higher. Not compatible with Windows 2000 or MAC OS.
172 ben,still waiting for you to explain how a company can still make monet by taking in less money,oh yeah you might want to phone Gordon Brown with this one.
You do realise Vodafone's purpose is to make money for it's shareholders right?

They're never going to make a loss on any deal to an enduser - strategic deals such as giving Lewis Hamilton a free phone, maybe they'd do that.. but that's advertising. Putting their logo on a McClaren? Again.. strategic.

Giving a normal person a decent deal on a phone... they're making money..
