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VTS vs 106GTi

  mk2 172

had a "race" with one the other day

driving along down dual carriageway at night, have a car stuck to my bumper for a while, thought it ws a vtr so i thought id let him overtake me then smoke him, turns out to be a red 106 GTI he he, i was loving it when we were side by side at the next se of lights,, first things i noticed were, lowered, non standard 15 inch wheels, and induction roar. light went green and we were both struggling for traction but i balanced it a bit better and got me car in front and it stayed like that til sixty when we had to slow down for other cars he started weaving arond between other cars thinking the race was a slalom of somekind???, so i let him do his own thing, didnt actually get him any where as i ended up right behind him at some light. we took a de tour round a little road with two right angle corners which brings us back on the same dual carriageway, he shot off so i followed him, it was instantly apparent that my car needs lowering as it felt very roly poly trying to follow him round those two corners, then as he emerged onto the carriageway i was expecting him to take the other lane and gear up for a fair accelation test, as soon as he went round he just put his foot down and f**ked off:mad:, i was thinking what a t**ser!, good race that where he get to go first, theres me slowing down at first thinking we were gonna get level or summat, so i went for it and he was way in front got to about ton then he turned off. some people have no street racing etiquette!


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d


Do you just drive around looking for races Craggy?! ;)

Shame he didnt wanna play ball though...
  mk2 172

he did play ball mate for the first one mate, then we had a perfect oppurtunity to race to well over the ton and he shot off, the first race was very close, but me being the launch king and all i got in front he he


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

I meant he wouldnt play ball for the ton plus race, which would be more intersting...

You are fookin good at launching, so not really as fair, as its driver based.

But if you were both rolling and you both planted it, then wed get a good idea of the cars performance, rather than having driver skill affect the result.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Yup, very similar cars, but the VTS has a slight weight advantage and marginally altered gearing, but in real life theres b*gger all in it on the road...

VTS can do sixty in second, a 106 gti cant, so they do have different ratios, just a teeny weeny bit different though !


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by Craggy on 15 February 2003

rich is the man in the know for this sort of thing, and he says there identical ratios.
Ratios are ever so slightly different...


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Quote: Originally posted by Jonto on 15 February 2003

VTS can do sixty in second, a 106 gti cant...
Well, the 106 GTi can do 60mph in 2nd mate, I assure you.


ClioSport Club Member
  E90 LCI 330d

Final drive is different, but 2nd seems taller in the VTS...

Need to get the ratios and compare them properly.

Still not that different though.
