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Want BB - Help

  Not a Clio
Just a quicky.

We rent our house, not long moved in. Was trying to oder BB this morning and apparently the line is already registered to an ISP so we cannot sign up with anyone as it would be classed as migrating ISP's and of course we don't have any details or details of the previous occupants.

Anyone know how we sort this out? Would BT be able to help?
  Not a Clio
sorted (hopefully)

Spoke to BT, apparently it can take 3 - 5 days after opening a new account for the system to fully recognise it and so any attempt to signup for BB will fail. The lady I spoke to has told the system to do that today, so in a few hours i can try again and hopefully i'll be able to signup now!
  Not a Clio
I've chosen Pipex Go (2mb) with Pipex Talk 3000.

£19.99 per month.

Unfortunately our exchange isn't on the upgrade list so 2mb is our limit for the fore seeable future.

I know there was a thread monaing about pipex recently but other people I have spoken to who use them haven't had any complaints. I guess there will always be unhappy customers with every company though.

The only thing I thought was a bit of a con is having to pay P&P in the modem! £7.50 I think it was.
