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waxing question


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172 track car
havent yet waxed my clio, am looking to do it soon. its an iceburg 172 - any products i should be looking at and is there any different ones to buy specifically to colours etc. im a bit of a noob at detailing, any help appreciated.
  Fabia VRS
I use Auto Glym HD wax, IMO its really good. but if you dont wana spend much a good sealent like AG Extra Gloss Protection With do the same job and last a bit longer:)


  Titanium Clio 182
Plenty to choose from & people have favorites, so depends on what you like the look of + your budget.

I use the two below on titanium, both around the £30.00 mark

Maybe try R222 not bad results for price (£27) plus easy to use ? doesnt last as long as some of the others though. I

I also use Dodo Juice (Green) which gives a nice glossy finish + lasts abit longer Imo

Hope this helps ?

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  Megane R26
On silver, sealants tend to work the best, so something like Carlack NSC/LLS or the Jeffs Prime system.

Another good choice is the ClearKote range :)


  RB 182 Cup
Dont bother with a wax Maynard, go for a sealant instead.

I can highly recommend Jeffs Werkstatt Acrylic Jett Trigger on silver cars. Leaves a superb reflective glossy finish and is highly durable. Easy to put 4 or 5 layers on as I have for maximum protection.

Plus ease of use means you'll do the whole car in around 15 minutes.:approve:

You can only get it from

Around £15 or so [without checking]


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa


  RB 182 Cup
^^^ I disagree . Seal it then wax it . Wax offers more protection from the elements , bird sh!t than a sealant does .

Jeffs is good sealant , so is Chemical guys blitz sealant .

Yes you can certainly wax it afterwards, remembering once waxed, if you want to top up the protection it should be with a wax.

AFAIK its good practice NOT to seal over wax, but you CAN wax over sealants.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
You can use the blitz sealant over a wax , therefore building up layers of protection :)


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172 track car
got a few choices then! like the look of that megs quick wax think i might give that a go..
