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website project (nice, clean, simple site)

  CLIO PH1 172
hi guys hope some of you on here can help me, i want to make a website to show off some of my work and to display my CV. i am (was) an architect student and am now looking for work, a good way to get clients to look at work is to have a website. simple.

so i have a domain (brought a while ago)

i have tried blogger and a couple of other freebie blog sites like this also. blogger i found was the best, but not good enough so i need something else.

i have never made a website from scratch and dont have the time to learn how to nore do i have money to through at someone to do it for me, so i will have to go for a free website builder.

what do i want on the site ?

well a Home page, CV page, Contact info page, and page for each year of uni (3)

so 6 maybe up to 10 pages would be good

the site needs to look clean and proffesional no massive adds everywere, glittery text or clip fart ect....

i will also need to upload big pictures so some sort of gallery option would be good.

so what do people recommend?

as you can tell im a total newbie to this so i have probably missed loads of info out.

i need help please, i want this done for the new year.

