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WENT to FOCUS today

Any other members go to Focus this week???

Nothing much to announce, just wanted to see if anyone went??
  Suzuki Ignis
Yep I went. Had a play with the D300 which im getting as soon as i have the money. Wondered around most of the day, got ripped off at subway, bought a Lastolite umbrella kit and got 4 free reflectors.

Not a bad day but i think ill got on the last day next year and get some bargains.
  top of the pyramid
Went on Monday, had a video playing on the flash centres stand, listened to the andy rouse talk, played with alot of cameras, cannon stand was probaly the best with all the lens lined up.
this only dawned after i first posted but i think they're talking about a camera/photographic shop.

by the way, i went to B&Q again today; bought some bulbs.:)
FOCUS just happens to be the biggest photographic trade show in the UK, and the second largest in Europe.

Full of Exhibitors from the big guns such as NIKON, CANON, LEAF, HASSELBLAD ,GITZO ,MANFROTTO....etc etc etc

It also has seminars from the likes of Adobe, Apple, ON ONE, BOWENS and talks by top World class Photographers

Funny how you come to a Photographic thread and have never heard of it???

But yet rant on about DIY shops??? confusing
yes - i ended up looking it up on Google. i'd not spotted that this was actually in the Photography sub-forum originally; as you say, it's all been very confusing. i'll leave you to it now. sorry:eek: :D

P.S. Fierney - Morrisons is actually only over the road from B&Q but these are special bulbs so i didn't even bother checking. 500W halogen security lamp bulbs - 3 for £2.88.

anyway, as you were
