Apply with cotton cloth..remove with clean microfibre.
Apply with a foam hand pad, remove with a microfiber cloth.
Apply with a foam hand pad, remove with a microfiber cloth.
Apply with a foam hand pad, remove with a microfiber cloth.
Rich you seam to b the resident detailing expert on here lol is natty paste any good? Mate uses on his type r and raves about it. Any good for a Clio tho?
Apply with a foam hand pad, remove with a microfiber cloth.
Both the polish and the wax? obviously different pad tho lol
Rich you seam to b the resident detailing expert on here lol is natty paste any good? Mate uses on his type r and raves about it. Any good for a Clio tho?
Better out there for a little more cash, not a big fan.
Apply with a foam hand pad, remove with a microfiber cloth.
Both the polish and the wax? obviously different pad tho lol
Yeap, working by hand I use them for everything.
Apply with cotton cloth..remove with clean microfibre.
Any particular type of cotton cloth?
Better out there for a little more cash, not a big fan.
Apply with a foam hand pad, remove with a microfiber cloth.
Both the polish and the wax? obviously different pad tho lol
Yeap, working by hand I use them for everything.
Any recomendations for a titanium silver ph1 172?
Any particular type of cotton cloth?
Good question.Are there any brands that people prefer?
Good question.Are there any brands that people prefer?
I just use a yellow just 100% cotton.
Or as Rich says (he's the man) the foam applicator...cos about £1.40 for two megs ones at Halfrauds.
For a wax for silver I'd go with Collinites. Far far greater durability than P21S and no difference in looks (on silver anyway).