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whats better than srp


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Depends what you want. For heavy swirl removal i use Menzerna intensive polish. For a light marring removal i use Menzerna Final Finish. But even then i SRP and EGP!!!!!
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  A slow one :-(
Isn't the Menz range finicky in this sort of weather? Ie the cold?

I need some new polishes and probs going to go for Megs 80/83 but I'm still a relative newbie to my pc!

I use Klasse AIO as a paint cleanser as well as SRP.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Isn't the Menz range finicky in this sort of weather? Ie the cold?

I need some new polishes and probs going to go for Megs 80/83 but I'm still a relative newbie to my pc!

I use Klasse AIO as a paint cleanser as well as SRP.

Yes...But if you've got a garage it's not an issue, keep the polish warm and certainly my garage is heated, 14deg so no biggy there. The heat from workin under a Light is also 't-shirt' temps!

Megs 83# is supposed to be very good at this time of yr tho.
I'm still favouring the 3.02 tho.
  106 GTi
I have always found the #83 less use friendly than the IP. I prefer the origional formula IP at this time of year to.
