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Wheel Bolts


ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup + more
Has anyone used KTEC Clio Wheel bolts? I have also found this place https://www.alloywheelnutsandbolts....y-wheel-bolts-m12-x-1-5-26mm-thread-19mm-hex/

I have started to have a few issues with my original bolts, one snapped at the weekend and a week ago another bolt thread pulled, so am looking at getting some new ones so wondered if anyone is using the above? I am not wanting to use eBay or Chinese ones (although they all probably comes from China!).

Anyone had any experience of the above or any other thoughts on where to get some?



ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
I've had 3 of my original wheel bolts snap - however this happened when my front spring snapped.

I'm currently using the KTEC wheel bolts and have no issues,
