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where do i start

hello people just wondering if u lot could help me out here had a 172 cup wrote it off now have a 182 and would like to start work on it ???

but im totaly new to cars so dont no how to start modafiying this little baby anyone help me if so any places near london that do these mods ??

secondly if i change the head unit for a new face off will i lose the display on the dash etc ???
  Fiat Coupe 20v turbo

Please dont put a kit on it...all the kits for Clios look decidedly sh*te. Spend the money on tuning instead!:D

whooo lads ive changed name forgot my password ???

have u seen the k-tec body kit for the 182 thou ???

right from a dummies point of view anywhere in london or west london way ie hayes reading etc that can help me and i dont wanna look like a tw*t and say i want all this doing without understanding what it does
  172 Cup

Quote: Originally posted by 182/172 lover on 01 December 2004
hello people just wondering if u lot could help me out here had a 172 cup wrote it off..... but im totaly new to cars....

Without sounding funny Id just get used to the 182 before you start modding it in anyway.
