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which colour HU should get?

  Leon Cupra 300


cant decide which would match the cup best.. for like the dashboard lights
  Chocolate Bar™
yellow would match the dash better, but the red looks nicer lol (no help i know)
  Leon Cupra 300
^^ yeah thats the problem.. think gonna go for the yellow, i think it looks the best (well least offensive anyway) other choices are red as above, green or blue! and the yellow will match the dash lights better. bad choice but htink of the sound quality!!!
  Chocolate Bar™
i like the look of it tbh, i prefer the OE style headunits compared to the flashy OTT ones


a lot of them becker units you can actually change the colour of the display;)
  Leon Cupra 300
im jus gonna bump this, i was out last night and i thought the interior lighting was more red than yellow, what do others think?
