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which speakers to go with my becker

  Leon Cupra 300
im going for the becker grandprix, the red one... which speakers would you go for with this, im not wanting to mess around with components.

on another thread someone mentioned rainbow at 85 quid, they look promising so far but what other high end stuff would you reccomend?
  Leon Cupra 300
end of the day will running rainbox coxails with a becker HU sound pretty bloody mint? thats all want really.

oh what about rear speakers?
  A well built VW
Same speakers in the back, TBH its not a lot of messing to put in comps , as for chromeclio some of us just want a good quality sound and a nice set of speakers will do that without the need for amps and suba

My mate has the bose speakers in his S3 and they sound tops
  LY V6 with Recaros
You got any pics of the HU in the car at night, I'm considering this one, just wanted to see what the red looks like :)


if your running them off the h/u id get a set with a high reference efficiency;)
  Leon Cupra 300
deb, ive not actually bought it yet, i reckon im in the same situation as you, i cant decide between the red or yellow. its actually starting to do my head in thinking about it now...

jamesy, can you reccomend me a set then because ill be running them off the HU, 80 quidish a pair tops but if anything cheaper thats great!


alpine type s comps matey there one of the few sets of comps that sound pretty good just running off h/u there 50w rms and sound very good they give quite a defined sound with clear accurate high freq reproduction i used them before my focal polykevlar series 83quid
  Leon Cupra 300
cheers for your reply mate... but im after coxails should of mentioned. any reccomendations on them?


same as type s i think there around 50quid check car audio's site if you go up there just ask for neil;)
