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windscreen screeching noise!

  CBR1000RR Fireblade
i have a horrible problem with my 182, on a motorway the windscreen makes a horrible screaming noise at high speed.

i searched on clio sport a few times, at first i thought it was to do with the drivers side mirror and the gap where the external temperature sensor could be. (poor design by renault) however, i plugged the hole with a grommet and the noise was still there.

after some more detective work, the noise appeared to be coming from the top of the windscreen?

what on earth causes this annoying loud noise?

is it a common problem with mk2 clios?

how do i fix this?

Check the rubber strip at the top of the windscreen on the outside. Mine use to lift and screetch like hell on a long motorway trip.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
that is what its doing then, the seal is fitted fine though. do they perish over time is that what causes the noise?
Not sure how quickly the perish, mine just used to lift up, was actually about a month after Autoglass fitted a new screen to my car, and the noise was horrendous! I took mine off, then eventually stuck it back down with silicone when I sold the car.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
thanks for your help bud.

i removed both side seals from the vehicle, and lifted the flap on the top horizontal seal. i then ran a 3mm thick bead of clear silicone around the edge of the window and i refit the seal.

i have been up and down the motorway a couple of times at speed and happy days, no noise!
