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Wiring a horn - Need help

  Clio 172
Hi all. To cut a long story short, i have replaced the steering wheel, which ended up frying the wires to the horn on my 172. (Stupid i know).

So i'm in a position now where i'm trying to wire in stand alone horn through to a horn push to make button which ill just install in the dash area.

Ive tried a few different diagrams and nothing seems to be working, ive looked on google images and seen many horn wiring diagrams, some of which i have tried but nothing seems to work. Hence my call for any forum members who are electrically minded.
I will point out that i have very little to no knowledge on circuits, but keen to learn.

I have tried a basic diagram, which just results in the 5amp fuse blowing every time - i find this odd because ive seen a youtube video of this exact set up and seems to work fine for the guy in the video. (the circuit ive tried is attached to this post)

I have also bought a universal relay (40amp 12v) and wiring kit with built in fuse, this fuse is a 30amp, but all the diagrams i seem to look at are all different in one way or another. So do i even need a relay? or is there a simpler way to get the horn working again? Any help or drawings would be appreciated. Please also remember that im pretty thick with wiring, so basic terminology is needed, but i am keep to learn to would rather tackle it myself instead of taking it to a garage.



  • car horn.jpg
    car horn.jpg
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  Clio 172
This might make it a little easier - i have drawn a basic diagram of all the components i believe are in the horn system, or what i might need to get it to work. Feel free to edit it and draw in wiring as required. Thank you.


  • horn components.jpg
    horn components.jpg
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