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:) Xbox :)

Desided to install my xbox in my car to day but was just wondering do i need any new wires or do i just connect the "yellow" xbox video phoneno plug and the "Red" xbox audio plug to the Video in and audio in on my cd player in the car !!!! hope u understand me :D

many thanks ---Rob---

o and obv i connect up the Power converter
theduckeatspork said:
sounds like your doing it right, yellow to video in and red and white/black to the audio in!

just wonderd on my xbox standard phonon plugs have 3 plugs white yellow red ? yellow is video red audio whats white
kullycliosport said:
hey fella .............hows the other stuff gettin on , ur lights and those switches ??

:) nice to hear from friendly people on here for once lol.

well. as for the swtichs lol ( gave up ). and made them control my subs. and lights.

other projects (wired up a boot release button. works good :). and Tinited my back windows :)
dont worry fella , some do take the p1ss a little too far .

so the neons are working ? , tinted just the back window ..... ok u'll have to show a pic m8 .

nxt will the stereo ? i suppose , screens a nice idea , some on here have done :cool:
kullycliosport said:
dont worry fella , some do take the p1ss a little too far .

so the neons are working ? , tinted just the back window ..... ok u'll have to show a pic m8 .

nxt will the stereo ? i suppose , screens a nice idea , some on here have done :cool:

no good me taking pics at night :) lol yer they do take p1ss a lil 2far. only come on this fourm to help and be help lol not for a slagging match. go down pub for that lol

neons working good . they was 2 low 2 the ground . so just twisted them a bit. as i was tinting them my self to see how good i was lol i have only done one rear side window atm lol

im in the middle of putting a 7" on my glove box

. you got any major projects that ur doing on ur car atm ?
spent a load lately ..................need to save some for a exhaust maybe next year

me like everything vroom vroom and the boom boom
was thinkin dvd for the car , want some nice seats , retrim ....list , i could spend 5k in secs
kullycliosport said:
spent a load lately ..................need to save some for a exhaust maybe next year

me like everything vroom vroom and the boom boom
was thinkin dvd for the car , want some nice seats , retrim ....list , i could spend 5k in secs

i am spendin 5K in a sec lol. mum just sold her house and gave me 10K :)

lucky me lol

im going for more of a really nice looking car then fast :) or i wouldnt of got a 1.2 lol
  Monaco 172 2/468
kullycliosport said:
he likes it so ........................take the fifth amendament .
:rasp: to you !

I was just having a joke mate about what I quoted, could sound like something else lol

.... as for the car, if I had 10k I would just buy a better car instead mate
Ibanezman said:
:rasp: to you !

I was just having a joke mate about what I quoted, could sound like something else lol

.... as for the car, if I had 10k I would just buy a better car instead mate

got the car before we got the money lol. and i started modding this so.. i think i should keep at it lol.

kullycliosport You got me searching on google for what the fifth amendament is lol ( some thing like i Shall respect my neighbour or some thing isnt lol
some ppl like the sounds / look etc , somer are power junkies , i like a bit of both , do what you want fella ................its your motor .

i got a right slating over my cup.............listen to the comments however harsh , nice and knowledge is godsend sometimes .
kullycliosport said:
some ppl like the sounds / look etc , somer are power junkies , i like a bit of both , do what you want fella ................its your motor .

i got a right slating over my cup.............listen to the comments however harsh , nice and knowledge is godsend sometimes .

i listen to all comments but on this fourm the threats start going off topic i noticed . ]
u start talking about subs and end up talking about toilet seats or some thing
( only an example dont think i seen any body talking about toliet seats haha):rasp:
rude_boi_rob said:
i listen to all comments but on this fourm the threats start going off topic i noticed . ]
u start talking about subs and end up talking about toilet seats or some thing
( only an example dont think i seen any body talking about toliet seats haha):rasp:

lol ...........................u seen the sub that put in a toilet in the back of a clio
  Monaco 172 2/468
rude_boi_rob said:
i listen to all comments but on this fourm the threats start going off topic i noticed . ]
u start talking about subs and end up talking about toilet seats or some thing
( only an example dont think i seen any body talking about toliet seats haha):rasp:

I quite like the toilet seats in casino's, you know the ones with the big cards on the lids lol :clown:
kullycliosport said:
lol ...........................u seen the sub that put in a toilet in the back of a clio

lmfao yep i seen that lol. u no the owner will come home drunk one day and take a Big one in that haha
Ibanezman said:
I quite like the toilet seats in casino's, you know the ones with the big cards on the lids lol :clown:

cant say i have Experance the plesure of using a casino's, toliet as i have only just turned 18 :)
So what you lot doing up this late ??? . watching some late night p**n movies hey lol jokes :clown:
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Sleeping funny mate, not as in laughing in my sleep, but just cant get to sleep at the right times etc lol
Ibanezman said:
Sleeping funny mate, not as in laughing in my sleep, but just cant get to sleep at the right times etc lol

u should make Friends wit the bats they sleep a bit like this lol

kullycliosport working at this time lol what u do one of them "Dial a date" phone number things lol
kullycliosport said:
yeah babe yeah :cool:

do work as well , im just fcukin brillant really ......................runs for cover :eek:

Blue Peter badge for being multi talented

any way i better sleep i got a fuse box that needs fittign 2morrow :) its been fun chatting to ya .....................:sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:

kullycliosport said:
been a member for 5/6 months now , most my time on here is when im at work :evil: :evil:
i been on here for about 3 - 4 - 5 weeks and it already feels like im hated lol
kullycliosport said:
ppl dont like anything thats different , it rocks the boat .

thats true .. i am always nice to people on here and stuff. . i am actly a nice person :)

but think cus my name says "RUDE BOI" people thing im a chav that try give people hard time and all this lol
  Monaco 172 2/468
rude_boi_rob said:
thats true .. i am always nice to people on here and stuff. . i am actly a nice person :)

but think cus my name says "RUDE BOI" people thing im a chav that try give people hard time and all this lol

I like you Rude Boi :rasp:

....and spam on lol
