So, you own your own company and doing a dividend voucher? No worries...
On the actual dividend voucher you want the Company name, address, date.
Then a paragraph saying there has been an AGM and you've decided to vote dividends on the form of share you have and at what value, e.g. Ordinary, Ordinary A. So it was decided a dividend of £20 per Ordinary share was voted and authorised.
You put down the dividend payable (value per share x shareholding) then the 10% notional tax credit, which is dividend x 10/90.
Then signed by the secretary.
If you want this as a generic set up, have the share class, lets say "Ordinary" then the value per share £x (have that as a blank one). Have the dividend payable one = share value x number of shares. Then the 10% tax credit being dividend x 10/90.
This is the way we do it at work.
The dividend tax credit is done in this way as although you recieve cash of say £100 on your tax return we always gross this up by a 10% notional tax credit.
You can work this the other way, i.e. you want to pay yourself lets say £10k and you could put that in the dividend payable column.
I'll whing you a generic dividend voucher schedule if you want.