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ABS Wiring fault - how to fix?


ClioSport Club Member
The car starts fine usually after 1 or 2 cranks however when driving and coming to a stop when pressing the clutch, the revs will dip ever so slightly.

Setting off can be a pain too, it's like my clutch is on its way out even though it has just been replaced and then the car judders and I notice the lights on the dash dipping a bit. It's as if the accelerator isn't doing anything for a bit.

Also noticed that if i'm in second gear and holding the accelerator at a certain point the car will kangaroo it will drive like this: fine fine fine fine dips the power fine fine fine fine and then repeats.

It's so annoying as setting off is becoming a juddery mess!

Wondering if it sounds like my TDC needs replacing or cleaning.

The car starts fine usually after 1 or 2 cranks however when driving and coming to a stop when pressing the clutch, the revs will dip ever so slightly.

Setting off can be a pain too, it's like my clutch is on its way out even though it has just been replaced and then the car judders and I notice the lights on the dash dipping a bit. It's as if the accelerator isn't doing anything for a bit.

Also noticed that if i'm in second gear and holding the accelerator at a certain point the car will kangaroo it will drive like this: fine fine fine fine dips the power fine fine fine fine and then repeats.

It's so annoying as setting off is becoming a juddery mess!

Wondering if it sounds like my TDC needs replacing or cleaning.


Having some issues as of late havent you dan :(
  clio sport 172 ph1
Sounds abit lyk a sticky throttle body flap this used to happen with my old golf the flap was all gunked up and wasnt shuting properly ,failing tht try checking for split hoses ect
  Clio 182 Cup
I had the slight judder when setting off although, I found I wasn't using enough revs, used slightly more revs and it's been fine.

As for the 2nd gear rolling on a light throttle, every flyby wire car I've had, has done this to some extent the Clio is no exception. The only times I've not had this is, or small enough to not notice it often, is when driving brand new cars upto a couple of years old. However if you mean it's dipping power so much that there's a big jerk once it comes back in, then something amiss. Way back with the Mk6 Fiesta ST it was particularly bad, I found giving the MAF sensor a gentle clean improved it by quite a bit.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
For what it takes to check it its worth pulling the airbox out and giving the metal tip a clean/light sand down!

Think its x2 13/14mm bolts to undo it!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 cup
I had a TDC fault, only symptom was that one day the car only turned over but wouldn't fire up. I cleaned the connector and all has been good.


ClioSport Club Member
Cheers for the replies guys. I'm straying away from this sensor for that very reason that in 6 months of ownership it hasn't not started yet!

Anyway, I removed it just now and the end looked quite heavily corroded, all rusty and brown so I've sanded it as above and it looks a million times better.

I'll see if it's changed anything tomorrow.

It's quite intermittent too I realised today on my drive home. I was coming up to a roundabout in second and the revs were around 1k. Dipped the clutch and absolutely no revving. Bliss! Wish it was like that all the time.


ClioSport Club Member
Tried changing the throttle body and cleaning the TDC sensor but to no avail however today my mate came over and we started looking at some of the sensors going into the inlet plenum. I'm hoping these are what's wrong and maybe causing a vacuum leak!

The AIT sensor has a clip broken on it so it's fairly loose, not sure if it's supposed to be loose-ish anyway

20150111_150521 by dann2707, on Flickr

20150111_150539 by dann2707, on Flickr

And the MAP sensor looks like this! Changed the seal to a new one now and about to go for a drive to see if it's doing it. The issue is is that it's intermittent so I can't tell straight away if it's solved it.

20150111_150554 by dann2707, on Flickr

20150111_150559 by dann2707, on Flickr

20150111_150641 by dann2707, on Flickr
  Beaten up 182
Sorry it's a little off topic but how do you get the sensors out without clips breaking? Mine hunts on light throttle, I'm thinking an air leak on the plenum.


ClioSport Club Member
A light did actually pop up a few weeks ago but my phone and torque app didn't pick up anything :( Think I need to use something like CLIP or RS tuner to find the problem!

I filmed it tonight and hoping this might shed some light on the problem as it's still doing it despite the new oring. New air intake sensor is on the way. It is definitely doing it intermittently, I can be crawling along in traffic in first gear doing 1000 revs, press the clutch down and the rev needle will not move - perfect.

Or I can be doing the exact same, crawling along, press the clutch down and revvvvvvv! As shown in the video. Wonder if any technician or guru can help shed some light? @incy-spider ;)


lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
wow, that is quite a rev isn't it.
I thought you meant just a slight wobble on the needle but that's quite a jump.
I'm not sure on the issue but hope you get it sorted.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Doubt the clutch cable is causing it to drag.

Similar thing happened to my lupo when the TB was a bit kaput


ClioSport Club Member
I wonder could it be a bad earth cable/strap?

You know something you might be onto something here.

I once pulled over to help this guy who had crashed his van and shone my lights on his car to help other road users see the crash. After about 15 mins it killed my battery from having the hazards and lights on, the police man at the scene pointed to my hazards and said you've got a bad earth there. Had no idea how he noticed that or could tell just from a flashing light? Any ideas on what to look for in a bad earth?

Tb has been replaced and didn't fix it haha


ClioSport Club Member
Got back from the gym tonight and somehow found the strength/will to have a look under the bonnet to see if I can see anything spurious!

I noticed something in the corner of my eye that made me go HMMMMMMMMMM. Check out this.

20150113_204316 by dann2707, on Flickr

That pipe above the yellow bit is the pipe that goes to the acoustic valve (or a bolt in my case as I removed it yonks ago). And that pipe happens to be crushed under the engine. It's either from when the cambelt was done or the clutch but basically that pipe is trapped under a nice bit of thin metal.

This shows it better!

20150113_205215 by dann2707, on Flickr

So my initial thought is that's giving me a vacuum leak, it's got to be. So I started the engine up and sprayed that area with combustible maintenance spray expecting the engine revs to increase. Nothing :(

However my thought process is this, it's trapped when in gear and when i'm pressing the clutch (when the problem occurs) it's rocking the engine possibly moving this bracket/trapping of pipe and it's allowing a possible split pipe to suck in air if that makes sense? And might suggest why it's doing it intermittently.

What do we think?

I cut the pipe off above the trapped bit and bolted it up so time will tell tomorrow on the drive to work tomorrow!


ClioSport Club Member
Another thing to note. I got the multimeter out with it on the resistance setting and tested the battery negative to the main earth strap behind the passenger headlight and the resistance was spot on - 0 ohms. I didn't get chance to check the one behind the arch that's attached to the gearbox though. Will do that tomorrow sometime.


ClioSport Club Member
I think it is an earth issue now as I noticed last night that when I press the brakes the foglight icon illuminates ever so slightly. I never noticed this before! I've had the lights out before and cleaned them up but that was at the start of September. Is there a permanent fix?


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Have you checked the black electrical relays under the fuse cover in the engine bay? There are three, all worth inspecting the terminals!

Also, i had an earthing issue on a previous Clio. The nearside strap under the arch liner was replaced and it sorted a few issues out - may be worth inspecting them for verdigree etc!


ClioSport Club Member
Haven't seen any black ones mate but did notice a few purple ones I shall inspect them!

I can't really describe the issue properly, but i've noticed it does it more when at a much lower speed as in crawling. When you're creeping along in traffic and doing clutch control, it's when you rev it against lifting the clutch, then press the clutch down the revs will rise.

It's almost as if the ECU thinks you're going to stall so revs the car for you - that's the best way to describe it actually yeah. One thing to note is that I had had an ABS sensor issue I think a while back where I did a three point turn and it made the warning lights come on. Could a naff abs sensor/connection cause these problems do you think?

Getting it scanned tonight though so hopefully will bring up some faults. Losing my patience with the car now as it's not making it fun to drive.


ClioSport Club Member
I've changed the ABS sensor on the nearside and it's still doing it :(

@bashracing being a hero hooked me up to his diagnostic laptop and found that the nearside sensor wasn't mirroring the other sensor indicating that something along that side of the car is at fault. The reluctor ring isn't cracked or split apart however I noticed something last night that the ring, one one tab has an indent in it much like it's been hit with a centre punch but the tab is still there.

Could this be throwing it out? Will take a pic tonight to show if it is or isn't bad. The wiring looks to be intact too.


ClioSport Club Member
i wouldn't of thought so, did you look into the brake pedal sensor code dan?

I did Dave yeah it came back as just the signal is intermittent. I had a look at the switch and it feels very loose. I should have the new one day.

Would it be possible to check the continuity of the sensor with my multimeter to see what's happening when it's hitting this stamped bit? If so how would I go about it as in what setting would it need to be on? Then do I simply spin the wheel slowly and see what the reading is, should it be so many volts, then drop, then raise, then drop etc. I'm useless with diagnosing things haha thread kind of shows this lol


ClioSport Club Member
Cheers mate! Yeah only when moving slowly and it's intermittent. Sometimes I can press the clutch and it's perfect other times it revs to nearly 2k. Sorry to burden you with my problems haha


ClioSport Club Member
I couldn't get into the sensor contacts with my multimeter in the end which was a bit of a pain. Could I bob round tonight before gym again please if you're free? Around 6.45?
being a civil servant with almost part time hours I'm home now, so when ever you like.
