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Flat Performance After Service


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I've been doing a lot of work on the Clio and after taking it out for a test drive, the "kick" at 4500rpm wasn't there.
It pulled to the redline, and didn't have issues accelerating to 70mph but it definitely felt down on power. It drives fine, it just feels like its got 140bhp. Literally like it doesn't come on cam.
I have changed:
HT Leads (new)
OEM NGK sparkplugs
Oil & filter.
What are the chances I've broken a sensor/wire whilst yanking the upper inlet about to change the plugs?
I did have the leads in the wrong order but this was rectified before I drove it.
There was a period where I drained the oil, and then it sat for a couple of days with the sump plug in and the filter finger tight, but no oil. Obviously It wasn't started.
There's no smoke out the exhaust.
Speaking of exhausts, I have fitted a pattern mid section & backbox to get it through its MOT. Its also got good new fuel (Tesco Momentum) and was running fine before it got put to bed for winter.
Any clues?
Going to borrow a code reader later but wanted a headstart with the diagnosis.


ClioSport Club Member
Could be dephaser or the dephaser solenoid? So not changing timing? But I would expect it to light the eml?

With a good code reader/clip you should be able to enable the cam solenoid and either watch the timing change or hear the engine note change.

I've had cheap pattern exhausts in the past that were incredibly restrictive, could that be the issue?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Could be dephaser or the dephaser solenoid? So not changing timing? But I would expect it to light the eml?

With a good code reader/clip you should be able to enable the cam solenoid and either watch the timing change or hear the engine note change.

I've had cheap pattern exhausts in the past that were incredibly restrictive, could that be the issue?

I've definitely no lights on the dash which has puzzled me, but a restrictive exhaust could well be the cause. Is giving it a blast up the road with no exhaust after the cat a stupid idea?

The dephaser is active from 1800rpm to around 6500rpm, so the kick isn't from that. More so the engine getting into peak VE.

Worth seeing what it's like after swapping the exhaust back after the MOT.

Apologies I didn't make it clear, the old exhaust had rotted off, and it failed it's MOT, so I ordered a £120 eBay special to keep it road legal (my daily had broke). The old one is long gone.

You didn't map it did you? That gets rid of a kick

Sadly no.


ClioSport Club Member
The dephaser is active from 1800rpm to around 6500rpm, so the kick isn't from that. More so the engine getting into peak VE.

Worth seeing what it's like after swapping the exhaust back after the MOT.
Yeah but if he's unplugged or damaged the connector to the solenoid while removing the inlet it won't be working.

Check the vvt solenoid connector is ok.

Make sure the map sensor on the inlet is ok.

Does it idle ok? Not higher than normal? No miss fire?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
That's what I'm scared of!
Idles fine with no misfire. I couldn't tell you exactly what the idle was like, but I've had it 8 years and I didn't notice the idle being unusual.
Aside from a visual check of "has this wire been pulled out", anything else to check for?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Actually, this probably shouldn't be wet with oil should it? :unsure::LOL:



ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
Unless you’ve been throwing oil everywhere when you filled it then that’ll be the solenoid seal.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
I can be clumsy, but I didn't pour any that high up :LOL:
Usual suspects to get one from?


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
It might be cheaper elsewhere, but this is cheap enough. They have a metal ring inside them so can be a bit stubborn when removing.



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Replaced this weekend, The old seal was a bugger to get out but it looked like it had been leaking. Plenty of oily gunge around the solenoid. And the car wasn't much better either :LOL:


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Took the car out last night and its driving much better, Thanks for the pointers guys. I still think the exhaust may be restrictive but its knocking it's c**k off so will be getting replaced. Well that's and exaggeration - you can tell its touching under the car somewhere as there's harsh vibrations at certain RPM and under engine braking.
