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November Photography Competition - Colours

Did you like being able to change your vote on last months voting thread poll?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I didn't notice I could!

    Votes: 7 77.8%

  • Total voters
  AB182, Audi A5 3.0
Congrats to @Scrooge for winning the October competition! It was a really well thought, out of the box, shot that clearly related to Autumn for a lot of people!


Lots of good entries again last month, and Scrooge has picked another great theme this month so lots more entries expected this month! :). He has chosen 'Colours' as the next theme; a very open theme that should give some opportunity to take some cracking shots!!! Just remember, color doesn't only mean HDR! :smile:

Entries close on the 30th Nov and voting to commence in the following week (first week of December, with next theme starting on the 7th).

The Rules - Same as last month:

- Post a maximum of 3 images at one time, you can come back with more pics if you have tried something different, but please stick to 3 pics max each time.

- You MUST flag one image as your entry, feel free to repost your chosen image towards the end of the comp with 'entry' above it, this will be placed into a new thread at the end of the allotted time for people to vote on. Only images with entry clearly written above or below it will be accepted.

- Try to keep posted images to a max of around 800px wide.

- No rules on photoshop use etc, but this is first and foremost a photography contest, not a photoshop contest.

- All images entered must be taken within this calendar month!

- If you haven't followed the above rules don't come moaning when your picture isn't in the voting thread.

The Winner will get to pick the next theme!

Good luck :smile:
  Italian 3.2 V6
Il definitely be entering this one. I didn't last month as non of the pictures I took related to the theme enough for me.

Congrats Scrooge!

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
I've been so busy with work this month I've not had chance to try what I wanted and I doubt I will be able to before the end of the month.
Entries looking a bit thin on the ground :(
  Italian 3.2 V6
Iv also been s**t considering Iv just got a 5d.. Got a few ideas and a nifty fifty has arrived so gona try squeeze a proper entry in!
