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Clio thread!

  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Hi all.

As some of you will be aware, I’ve recently purchased an 172 Cup, which some of you know as Kyle’s old cup!

Was going to put together a little thread for anyone that’s interested (possibly even Kyle ?) for the crack.

So my journey starts a few weeks back where my car is a 2017 Citroen C3 HDI in white, I bought it as before that I had a white X reg Impreza 2000 Turbo (remapped/exhaust/induction/coilovers etc) which I loved but was costing me the earth to run. Decided it was a good idea to get a cheap to run commuter that wasn’t going to fall apart and try to be an adult. After owning the C3 for about 4 months it had to go, I don’t have children yet and it isn’t the life for me! It was perfect and I hated it.

I wanted a 182 a few years back but decided I’d get an ‘86 Mini instead (a beautiful/awful car but that’s another story!).

So I’m trawling through eBay and see this blue 172 Cup for the kind of money I was looking to spend. Awesome! 61k, FSH, all the right kind of mods I would have been looking to do myself anyway.

So I message the seller and arrange to view the following weekend.

Upon viewing the car, it was even better than I expected. This thing was mint and had so much paperwork I didn’t have a clue where to start. The pictures didn’t do it justice.

So I send him a bank transfer and I’m about to drive it home. “I’ll tax and insure it before I leave” I think to myself. So I grab my new keeper slip and tax it for 12 months straight away, no problems. Now for the insurance. I’d phoned up Adrian Flux a few days before viewing to give me a ballpark figure and it was okay. Little did I know Adrian Flux had closed by the time I handed over the money, hmm.

Unable to go ahead with that, and with a 3 hour drive home ahead of me, I really didn’t want to drive it back uninsured and wasn’t paying for it to be towed back.

So I insure it for 24 hours on one of these temp cover sites as a “standard car” and pray I don’t get pulled over. I needed to fuel up on the way home, pull into the petrol station and what do I see? 2 police cars sat in there. Fantastic. This thing isn’t exactly quiet and discreet.

So I fuel up as quickly as I can, pay for it “I don’t need a receipt mate!” and get out of there. Phew.

The car behaved really well all the way home. Always a bit nervous driving a new (old) car home as you never really know (well I don’t anyway ?).

Couple of commutes under its belt with no hiccups, fluids holding, no leaks, I’m chuffed!

Then it happened, dreaded engine management light during my commute. Awesome.

Got me to work fine, did my 12 hour shift, start the car up to go home and the cold idle is lumpy as hell. I’d gotten used to it being a bit lumpy, with the Cat Cams etc but this thing could cut out at any point. Gets up to temperature and behaves again. Light stays on mind.

So today I’ve taken it to a mate of mine who’s a mechanic at a garage to get it plugged in. Verdict is a lambda sensor. Still dead smitten with it but an early reminder that I am no longer driving a 2 year old family mobile. Hopefully that rectifies it!

Future plans for the car, hopefully I can get hold of some second hand carbon bucket seats and a pair of new Sabelt 4-points. Definitely flock the dash.

Purchased a spare wheel and new tyre to stick in the back as the carpet kind of hangs in the well and doesn’t look the best. As soon as I’ve got that refurbed it’ll go into the back.

It’s off to a couple of shows in October (Trax being the biggy) and I’ve booked I’m some track time while I’m there (Mrs in the passenger seat, see how this goes ?).

I’ll let you all know when the lambda is fitted to see if she’s cured??.


ClioSport Club Member
As said on your other thread, i was tempted to buy this car but needed a more "road Friendly" car for a 50 mile per day commute. But it appeared to have all the right bits and in lovely condition.
Wishing you well with it in your ownership and look forward to seeing what you do with it.
Best of luck with the Lambda sensor. (tip - spray it up with some WD40/plus gas a day or so before you plan swapping it) :)
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
As said on your other thread, i was tempted to buy this car but needed a more "road Friendly" car for a 50 mile per day commute. But it appeared to have all the right bits and in lovely condition.
Wishing you well with it in your ownership and look forward to seeing what you do with it.
Best of luck with the Lambda sensor. (tip - spray it up with some WD40/plus gas a day or so before you plan swapping it) :)

Thanks Frayz, it is a bit much for commuting, stiff as hell haha. Cheers for the tip I’ll bear it in mind ?.
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Spare wheel and tyre have turned up today. The wheel could use a refurb, probably get it sprayed to match the other 4 wheels as I may be removing the carpet and having it on show. Get that sorted and get the tyre fitted and in it’ll go ?

Also looking at getting a pair of helmets and a helmet harness in the back so it looks even less like a road car ??


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  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Order placed for a pair of Sabelt harnesses, a pair of carbon finished helmets (a bit showy/pointless I know but I enjoy them ?) and a TRS helmet harness. Hopefully that’ll keep me happy for a bit. Fitted pics to follow once it’s all in ?


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  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Trial fitted a few of the new bits, was originally unsure about the yellow on black Sabelts but I think they suit it. Yet to fit them properly as I’ll wait til Monday, work this weekend ?? I’ll tie off the helmet harness a lot neater too


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  Renault Clio 172 Cup
This extinguisher will be next, probably fitted to the top bar between the seats. Goodbye rear view! ?

Also fitted some Heko wind deflectors this evening but the cars too dirty to show at the moment ? only cleaned it Wednesday too! ?


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ClioSport Club Member
This extinguisher will be next, probably fitted to the top bar between the seats. Goodbye rear view! ?

Also fitted some Heko wind deflectors this evening but the cars too dirty to show at the moment ? only cleaned it Wednesday too! ?

Not sure I’d want an extinguisher at head height behind me. Also a pain to get to when you’re strapped in. If you’re harnessed up and need to quickly get the extinguisher and get out you want it in the passenger footwell.
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Not sure I’d want an extinguisher at head height behind me. Also a pain to get to when you’re strapped in. If you’re harnessed up and need to quickly get the extinguisher and get out you want it in the passenger footwell.

Yeah very good point, be a lot easier if I could just take the passenger seat out, not sure the Mrs would be too keen though ?


ClioSport Club Member
Used to run a Lifeline hand held in front of the passenger seat and a 4ltr plumbed in system behind the passenger seat.

Might put this one in my Clio now seeing as it’s no longer in the Impreza.
  406 V6, Race Buggy
Yep, extinguishers aren't to put the car out, they're to put your b****cks out while you get out of your belts and the car.
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Update. Went to the garage today for the lambda sensor. After chatting to the mechanic we’re not sure whether a new one will sort it. Ordered a KTR sports cat today to ? get it passing MOT which is due early September (10 years ago I’d keep swapping cats come mot time but not these days ?). So the plan will be to get the new one fitted and re-remap it. It’s possible the map is running the car lean when cold so I’ll have to see how that goes as it’s fine once up to temp. He stuck my tyre on the spare wheel for free which is a Brucy bonus.

Decided to hold fire on the extinguisher (excuse the pun) until after MOT once I know what it needs.
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Update time. As it’s my day off today and the weather has been crap around me recently gave the Clio another clean today. While I was there I fitted the harnesses. Also took delivery of my K-Tec sports cat which I will fit in the next couple of weeks.


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  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Update time.

MOT a couple of days ago, failed but only on the hazard light switch and washer fluid so I’ll take that all day. Rebooked in so should all go well fingers crossed.

KTR 200 cell sports cat fitted this week and flew through the emissions test just in case anyone is thinking of getting one ?.

That’s left me with a 182 manifold to 172 cat-back exhaust de-cat pipe if anyone wants one? Free to collector.

Fitted the tow d-ring along with obligatory sticker this morning after a clean, and some pictures, everybody loves pictures!

Also ordered a KTR sunstrip (which they’re currently out of stock of - cue months of waiting) and currently debating a carbon bonnet with the big KTR decal on it, if anyone’s seen the KTR 182 I think it looks incredible and it’s a heavy influence!

I’ve also been considering the 16x7.5 white Ronal R50 alloys, what’s everyone’s opinion on those?


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  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Update o’clock!

Had my polycarbonate windows delivered from ACW plastics and they were a great fit! Didn’t require any modifying bar obviously drilling. So I fitted those and while I had the door cards off I replaced them with some CM Composites cards.

After a decent wait I finally received my KTR sunstrip, to be fair to Ayshe at KTR she was very helpful and updated me along the way. So that went on.

An obligatory OMP extinguisher has gone in the back for good measure.

I’ve also received my CM Composites Splitter so that can go on hopefully today or tomorrow 🤙
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Lovely! Know this car well as Kyle lives down the road from me. I'm not sure it needs the CM Splitter though! Looks lush as it is

You can’t really see in the pic as I’ve taped it over but the carbon splitter on it has split 😞 went in for mot and he caught the ramp and broke it. I did want another of the same splitter but they’re not made any more. Sucks haha
  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
You can’t really see in the pic as I’ve taped it over but the carbon splitter on it has split 😞 went in for mot and he caught the ramp and broke it. I did want another of the same splitter but they’re not made any more. Sucks haha

Thats a shame! I had a CM on my last 182 and they do look good. So all good!
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Old broken splitter off and new on! Got a pair of carbon struts to put on it and some canards to fit, however rain has stopped play for now

  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Hi Russ

Glad you are enjoying her. Love the interior touches

She should be great on track

Lambda will probably be the issue. Was always a bit rough on start up because of the RS2 and 197 injectors and lambda probably covered in soot with the decat

I'll always miss her. If only my megane would show me the same loyalty I'll be happy. So far it's not [emoji23][emoji23]

I'm glad shes gone to a good home


Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Hi Russ

Glad you are enjoying her. Love the interior touches. Not a fan of the other stuff but everyone has different taste aye [emoji6]

She should be great on track

Lambda will probably be the issue. Was always a bit rough on start up because of the RS2 and 197 injectors and lambda probably covered in soot with the decat

I'll always miss her. If only my megane would show me the same loyalty I'll be happy. So far it's not [emoji23][emoji23]

I'm glad shes gone to a good home


Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Hi Russ

Glad you are enjoying her. Love the interior touches

She should be great on track

Lambda will probably be the issue. Was always a bit rough on start up because of the RS2 and 197 injectors and lambda probably covered in soot with the decat

I'll always miss her. If only my megane would show me the same loyalty I'll be happy. So far it's not [emoji23][emoji23]

I'm glad shes gone to a good home


Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Ah man sorry to hear the Megane isn’t quite what you were hoping! I’m sure if the Clios anything to go by you’ll turn it into a great car.

Maybe you’ll see it again at a show some time! Though it’s obviously a little different to how you last saw it haha.

Cheers for all the info and stuff I’ve received since buying it it’s been a real help 👍👍

  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Ah man sorry to hear the Megane isn’t quite what you were hoping! I’m sure if the Clios anything to go by you’ll turn it into a great car.

Maybe you’ll see it again at a show some time! Though it’s obviously a little different to how you last saw it haha.

Cheers for all the info and stuff I’ve received since buying it it’s been a real help [emoji106][emoji106]

Haha that's ok. It just spends more time in the garage then on the road. Bloody thing is a financial mistake [emoji23][emoji23]

Yeah I'd love to see it again one day and I'm sure I will. I never had the bottle to take it on track. Really wish I did

Shes a great car and hope shes good to ya. Here to help anytime [emoji108]

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
And now for the one that really will upset people on here - great big spoiler!

Because all 172 Cups look exactly, the, same. Not mine 😃😃😃


I for one am in love with my car 😍
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Since my last update on here we’ve gone through a couple of tweaks. Got the Brembo 4 pot 300mm’s on from PMS with DS3000 pads and braided lines a couple of months ago and they’re fantastic, a definite improvement over what was on the car previous. Accompanied by the PMS stud/nut kit as the brembos are mighty close to the turini’s now! I’ve also got coming this week the square carbon CMComposites roof scoop so that’ll be on in a couple of weeks, it gets absolutely roasting in there I literally cannot wait. Was also given a service by Four Ashes RS at Wolverhampton and I have to say Floyd really knew his stuff and gave a great service 👍. Inside I’ve removed the sun visors and fitted an ultra-wide rear-view mirror which is great as there’s no blind spots down the sides now 🤙. A flocked dashboard went in as well. It’s coming along now 😬.
  Renault Clio 172 Cup
Been a while since I’ve posted an update on the Clio, with it being sunny decided to give her a clean and a couple of pictures

Though i was on my way back from this drive and I indicated left and the hazards came on at the same time, and now they won’t turn off. I’ve had to disconnect the fuse to stop it. Does anyone have any experience with this? Hoping it’s just a new switch.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help out!

