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How many people have you surprised with your clio?

  Clio 182 RB
As the title says, how many people have you surprised with your Clio and it's ability to eat B roads?

I always knew how good they where but until owning one I really couldn't push it to it's limits and fully appreciate it's full glory, my first car was a R5 GTT which I owned for about 10 years, in that ten years the amount of 'big boy cars' I kept up with or left down twisty roads was countless.....regular conversations with my competitors asking what bhp i'm running etc etc to shame them saying it's 180 at the wheels.

the reason I've started this post is my cars been off the road for ages now, I've just got her back to glory and been taking full advantage of her running better than the day I got her, prior to today I thought it was how she run, clearly had more gremlins than I realised......and even with the gremlins prior as minor as they were I made a show of some pretty serious cars on the plethora of county roads I have on my door step.

I have much experience with high HP cars via my job and ownership of some "petrol head" cars but know, Clio RS's are on a level that few cars are at on a corner to corner roads, far from saying I'm as good as a professional racing driver more saying, my Clio is so good it makes me look good & it gives me the confidence of pinning it into corners faster and harder than in some performance cars I've been privileged enough to own or drive before!

So my question is, what is the best car you've taught a lesson with your Clio Rs?2
  Clio 182 RB
corsa vxr
focus st

The Corsa I get, driven a Nurberg Edition and was impressed with straight line & breaking, cornering on the other hand.....huge disappointment! but the Focus all round, impressed...the one I drove was a fairly modified one, high 300's hp and handled well, still I'm sure on my local roads even a RS wouldn't shake me off.

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
Ok Ok big player in the V6, this is aimed at us lot in the peasant versions.

Let’s not forget the V6 wouldn’t see which way the so called “peasant” version went down a typical B road. That’s why I’ve had several 172’s as well [emoji1303]

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  Clio 182 RB
I've got an Evo 8 FQ MR and even in that on the tightest roads, corner to corner, unless you are a top driver I feel confident I'll be on your chuff.......get on a long straight I'm screwed :p


ClioSport Club Member
Have you done a track day where you can properly and safely push the Clio’s limits and understand those limits relative to other “high performance” cars?
  Clio 182 RB
Have you done a track day where you can properly and safely push the Clio’s limits and understand those limits relative to other “high performance” cars?

In my clio no, unfortunatley. I have though done track days in an E46 M3, R5 GTT, 205 GTi,Pulsar GTir, Evo 8, Porshche 996 Turbo, GSXR1000 and post is more focussed on B roads against people who drive decent cars on public highways with less respect and exsposure to real drivers and do very much appreciate where you're going with your comment.
  RB 182 FF
I'm no big hero but we've got a good lad who works on the Police force in our area and he liked a bit of banter, he used to give me sh*t all the time about my girly little clio... He came up behind me on a straight heading into some really fun tight twisties, he was in one of the Police BMW mega rapid diesel jobbies, I saw this opportunity to shut his cake hole for once as I drove these twisties every day for 8 years to and from work... Needless to say adrenaline was pumping and I nailed it through the bends as best I could and saw him disappear in the rear view.... When he caught me in the local town he said fair play, fair play, that thing looks s**t but fu*k it goes well...!!😅👌🏻
  Clio 182 RB
Fairly brave to take on a police officer 😂 I'd love to know what they do to those BMW's? I've seen them a few times tearing down the M20.
  Clio 182 cup
A lad from work has a new m3 BMW I work in the peaks so have some lovely roads, i normally bike to work so brought a clio 182 for the winter months he couldn't believe it when my little shed as he calls it left him for good
  RB 182 FF
I'm not a German car fan at all and don't know much about them but he said it's seriously rapid.... The one he drives is a top notch pursuit car and chipped, mapped, whatever they do to it, he reckons the torque figures are insane.... I believe it was circa 300bhp and mega torque... he rides Motorbikes as well and does Police escorts, he said even after riding a bike the beemer still feels rapid....
  RB 182 FF
Fairly brave to take on a police officer 😂 I'd love to know what they do to those BMW's? I've seen them a few times tearing down the M20.

I'm our crappy little force here there's only 2 guys who drove that beemer and knew them both so I wasn't worried about my license at all, just my pride.... 😝👍🏻


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Mines technically not a clio (but it is underneath) needless to say pretty much everyone I have a play with is surprised.



ClioSport Club Member
  williams + 182's
Ive had corsa vxr's try to go at me in the twisty roads near me, not saying im the best driver but I was surprised I cud walk away from him even with lifting the rear wheel in the tight stuff!
  Clio 182 RB
Ive had corsa vxr's try to go at me in the twisty roads near me, not saying im the best driver but I was surprised I cud walk away from him even with lifting the rear wheel in the tight stuff!

Did you do any handling mods on it? the car I drove was bog standard.
  Clio 182 RB
I was shocked how much understeer it had and lack of feed back, that was maybe more to do with me one not being use to the car & two being too aggresive. straight line though I was very impressed considering it was standard.
  RB 182 FF
I surprise myself everytime I manage to shoehorn myself into it

I wouldn't fit in a Lotus even after I've been through a blender

I'm with you on that one bud...!!! My bro has a Lancia Fulvia classic and I can't fit in it, my mum has an MGB and again I can't fit in it, she insured me on it but my knees are up round my ears so no chance of driving it.... 😂🙈


ClioSport Club Member
  Hi comp phase 1
Audi Rs3 thought he’d have one over my cammed, throttle bodies and hi-comp 172. Was amazed as he went by she actually stayed with it. A RS4 Left me for dead! she’s not as quick as one of those
  Clio 182 RB
Audi Rs3 thought he’d have one over my cammed, throttle bodies and hi-comp 172. Was amazed as he went by she actually stayed with it. A RS4 Left me for dead! she’s not as quick as one of those
Through a B road I'm confident I'd be with an RS4 if not loose(depending on the driver), open road no chance. About a year ago I was in my evo thats 400/400 and I had a Meglio reading the small print on my rear reg plate couldn't shake it on a dual to a twisty I know well and only just bettered him.

Twingo 1??

ClioSport Club Member
  Twingo 133 Cup,
The little Twingo can surprise people on the twisty stuff, especially roads I have done on road rallys and roads I grew up on in Scotland.
It is amazing how many people with proper fast cars can't drive for s**t lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
5-10 odd years ago the Clio could surprise quite a few cars. Nowadays most normal cars have caught up handling/performance wise.
