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Car Insurance


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Just ran some quotes through on the Golf. Sky/Brentacre are the most competitive 'modified;' at £450. Adrian Flux, over £900 ;/

A lot seem to stipulate not being able to drive other cars. Currently with Hastings which do so i may stay with them. I work in the trade and on the policy in 'working' hours.

Anyone found a good company? Keith Michaels were no good, and tbh the lad didnt seem bothered.


ClioSport Club Member
Did you buy the car and not bother to get insurance?!

Admiral are best for me.

I've been with Sky and Brentacre in the past, just go with whoever


ClioSport Club Member
Tesco have just come up as my cheapest provider too 😂 I’m waiting for Privilege to come up top.
  Clio 172 Cup
I think insurers vary so much year on year I am with flux as they were cheapest with all declared modifications but they were horrendous on last renewal, green light have good reviews, good luck dan 👍

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Lol. Will try central too. Can you drive other cars?
Yes mate.

The flux quote above was swapping from my civic, so no driving other cars, and limited to 1000 miles.

Luckily this time they didn't try to charge me a f**king redicoulus amount to cancel the policy like they did last time.

I'll never ever touch flux again. I won't even bother wasting my time getting a quote from them in the future


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Good stuff mate.

I know insurance can be a little funny about car trade jobs. May look again into a traders policy depending on a few things coming up


ClioSport Trader
  Renault 5
Just ran some quotes through on the Golf. Sky/Brentacre are the most competitive 'modified;' at £450. Adrian Flux, over £900 ;/

A lot seem to stipulate not being able to drive other cars. Currently with Hastings which do so i may stay with them. I work in the trade and on the policy in 'working' hours.

Anyone found a good company? Keith Michaels were no good, and tbh the lad didnt seem bothered.
Did you try calling us or was that on-line as we have a number of exclusive modified schemes that aren't available on-line?
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
After all my years of driving / riding, I still to this day do not get where insurance companies get their prices from.

So many people pay a couple of hundred quid a year for a premium, they change their car or bike and all of a sudden its £2000 year?! Erm?

I've been a victim of this previously. It's just stupid.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Had it in work the other day. Not sure who their insurance company is.

Currently paying £45 a month for a y reg Yaris. Looked to buy a 12 plate polo and it went to £90 a month. At the moment she's not buying the car.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
My renewal is up in 2 weeks. Can't wait, not.

Still a pita after all these years


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I sorted/ garages my 182 while I was living away. It cost a fortune to cancel my policy with Adrian Flux. When i I came back I needed to insure it pretty much straight away and all the prices were sky high.
I eventually and begrudgingly insured again with flux even though they quoted me over the phone £300 more than my normal annual insurance. I've been with flux 20 years . Its the last time I'll insure with them.
I did a fictious quote the other day for 5th Feb just to see what kind of quotes i would get and it was back down to around £370.


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Nothing new there!

View attachment 1448249

Paid 350 with 1st central
I took my 182 off the road last year for 7 months while I was living away. It was sorned and garaged.
I've been with Adrian Flux for 20 years , it cost me £137 to cancel the policy and when I came back my quote over the phone was for £300 more than I used to pay annually. Granted I did want to start it next day and other online quotes were in the same ball park. You get nothing for being a long time loyal customer.
I did a fictious quote the other day just to see what quotes I'd get if I needed to insure the car at the beginning of February and it was £300 cheaper because it's a month or so away.
It's the last time I'll use Adrian Flux.

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
I took my 182 off the road last year for 7 months while I was living away. It was sorned and garaged.
I've been with Adrian Flux for 20 years , it cost me £137 to cancel the policy and when I came back my quote over the phone was for £300 more than I used to pay annually. Granted I did want to start it next day and other online quotes were in the same ball park. You get nothing for being a long time loyal customer.
I did a fictious quote the other day just to see what quotes I'd get if I needed to insure the car at the beginning of February and it was £300 cheaper because it's a month or so away.
It's the last time I'll use Adrian Flux.
They wanted 190 quid off me to cancel a 300 quid policy, 6 months into it.
