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Gen90 data cable always plugged in?

  Clio 172 + Clio200T
Hi guys.
On my clio I have a Gen90 Ecu, and I also got the data cable to connect laptop to.
I was thinking about a fast way to access my ecu data with my laptop during trackdays..especially between one run and another.
So the idea was.. being the cable quite long.. what If I route it from engine bay to inside car like near the dashboard? doing so.. I can finish my track run, pick laptop from bag, connect it , check data all while still being in the car.
From my understanding..the cable seems a normal serial/usb adapter which become active only when the laptop usb port gives it energy through usb power rail... so the question is: would be a bad idea to leave it always plugged in the ecu ? Can it harm the ecu in some way or is safe to do? it would be really handy..
  Clio 172 + Clio200T
Seen it done with other ECUs, so I don't see why not. Other than it being in the engine bay, so could be susceptible to moisture ingress?
The plug in the ecu is always uncovered(it does not have a cap) so I guess moisture is not a problem.. the car sleep in a garage under my house, so always"warmy" and dry.
I live in northern italy, so it does not rain so often.. and I usually bring her to teacksays only if weather is fine because I don't like so much doing it while raining..

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
The plug in the ecu is always uncovered(it does not have a cap) so I guess moisture is not a problem.. the car sleep in a garage under my house, so always"warmy" and dry.
I live in northern italy, so it does not rain so often.. and I usually bring her to teacksays only if weather is fine because I don't like so much doing it while raining..

Should be ok then.


ClioSport Club Member
I have a 3mtr usb cable plugged into my ecumaster ecu in the engine bay all the time running through the bulkhead, when its not in use i have it coiled up in the glovebox. It wont be an issue.
  Clio 172 + Clio200T
thank you for sharing your experience. That's exactly what I want to do! Ok today I'll begin the routing!
