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Neighbour peed me off...

  Black Gold, Recaro 182
So, today as I do most Saturdays I set about cleaning my Black Gold 182 and my mint 14 year old diamond black Cavalier Sri. As most owners of black cars out there know, they get pretty dirty very easily and living in the country doesn't help matters.

When I was packing all my cleaning stuff up my neighbours daughter who is probably only about 5 walks past me and says "my dad thinks you are an idiot". I told her that I didn't think that was a very nice thing to say and she walked off.

I started to think about what she had said and thought that it was a bad thing to say especially as they have only lived there for a month or so and we don't even know each other. Now, it's not like I live in a rough area where you get beaten up for wearing the wrong trainers, I live in a nice house, nice area and about as rural as you can get.

After calming down I decided to go and find out what was going on so calmly knocked on my neighbours door and the girls mother answered. I basically said "Hi, your daughter came up to me earlier when I was washing my car and said that your husband thinks i'm an idiot" She looked pretty shocked and didn't really say much so I finished with "Can you find out if there is a problem and come and let me know what it is". It's now 2 hours later and I haven't had an apology or heard anything.

Now, after thinking about it, does this guy think I am an idiot because I wash my cars every Saturday and if so what's so wrong with that? I was hoping to PC my Cavalier tomorrow but now I think that he thinks I am an idiot for polishing my Cavalier. It's NOT like it is some rusty wreck of a car with a noisy exhaust, neon lights and twin subs in the boot that breaks down every 5 minutes. I have had this car for most of its life, it is immaculate and in the same condition it was when it came out of the factory so what is so wrong with taking pride in something you are proud of and want to look after and preserve for the future. Alright, I know its a Cavalier but how many original, mint Cavaliers do you see on the roads these days?

I would be interested to know peoples thoughts...



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Pics of cavalier? I don't like neighbours, but i like Old vauxhalls! :)
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
I haven't got any recent ones that I have taken with a decent camera, ive got some old ones but not sure how I post them?
  FIAT PANDA 100HP!!!!
f*ck him, wash and polish it, its your car! he's probably too ashamed to come and say sorry, as its prob somethin he said with his daughter around and she's picked up on it.
  Clio 182 & Saxo VTR
He could of just been saying it in a joking manner mate, "look at that guy cleaning his car in this weather, bloody idiot if you ask me" which to be fair most people on my street would walk past and say something similar like "your mad to wash it in this cold weather". I wouldnt take it to heart, unless he just calls you a idiot in general and not just an idiot for washing your car.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
PC half of his bonnet, he wont be able get the other half anywhere near as good and it will always look stupid lol

or, get up early tomorrow and PC at 6am
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
These are the best I can find, they were taken a few years ago and the camera wasnt that great. Will get some decent ones as soon as we have a good day...



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  Black Gold, Recaro 182
Just for the record he has an old range rover and an old freelander...

PCing at 6am on a Sunday sounds like a great idea!
  Black Gold, Recaro 182


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  182trophy & Williams
He could of just been saying it in a joking manner mate, "look at that guy cleaning his car in this weather, bloody idiot if you ask me" which to be fair most people on my street would walk past and say something similar like "your mad to wash it in this cold weather". I wouldnt take it to heart, unless he just calls you a idiot in general and not just an idiot for washing your car.

sound like a good explanation.but if not f*ck him. I'm sure most of my neighbours think i'm a bit of a nutter, they never see it dirty but i'm always cleaning it. I get that "you alright" with a sort of chuckle in there voice, like what the f*ck you out here cleaning it again in the freezing cold. i couldn't care less, its my pride and joy:D
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
Thats my point, why does everyone think you are an idiot if you spend time looking after your pride and joy???
  Hyundai i40
my neighbours say im a loony washing my car spesh seen as im a girl with a kid and shud have better things to do but i only do it wen adams asleep or in the summer after hes gone to bed
Sounds like he is jelouse...I had a neighbour who got the huff when I cleaned my car,
she would come out and start grumbling at me saying things son has a newer car than you and he dont clean it as much as you..then stomping off and slamming her front door, WTF!!
Its not like you are out the front being a t** are just cleaning your car.
Sounds like the daughter has learnt how to sh*t stir a bit too...nice family by the sounds of it..I would just totally ignore them.
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
See Sarah, you obviously feel that you have to justify to people that its okay to clean your car by saying that you only clean it when your son is sleeping.

Why is it so wrong to clean your car once a week? I clean my house once a week and wouldn't let that get messy and dirty. I would be embarrased to have a dirty house just as I am to drive round in a dirty car.

Maybe we should get some t-shirts made up saying something like "Yes, I know I'm washing the car again..." Then people wouldn't say anything!
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
Okay, so I hear what people are saying in that his daughter has just picked up on something he said but if I said to my daughter "look at that idiot cleaning his car" I wouldn't class that as being jokey. Fair enough if he just said "oh look, our neighbours cleaning his car again", I can live with that, but its the "idiot" word I don't like.
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
No, I don't go down the pub and acuse people of staring at me. It was a comment her father made and I wanted to know why he thought I was an idiot.
Just chill out mate, so what if her dad thinks your an idiot, dont let it bother you, youve made a mountain out of a mole hill.
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
Fair enough, I think everyones has their own opinion on the right or wrong thing to have done. I personally feel that if someone calls me an idiot I want to know why they think I am an idiot, just because I clean my cars once a week doesn't make me an idiot. I am sure my neighbour is sat in his house right now feeling like an idiot himself.
  Hyundai i40
i kinda see wot u mean also the kid needs to know that calling a stranger an idiot is not a nice thing is it. spose i wud be annoyed
  106 GTi
Vinyl and Rubber Care and Clean Wheels can be a right pain when they blow in the wind too ...

The old next door neighbour seemed to have issues with me keeping my car clean - as others have said jealously that you have something nice. Luckily he is no more, rest of the neighbours just know I have 'issues' and laugh.

I would be damned if I stopped cleaning the car when I wanted too down to others though.
I wouldn't worry about the neighbour tbh, they're probably just jealous.
If he himself says it to you (which I doubt he will) just laugh at him.

Pc'ing at 6 am sound like a great idea though !
  Black Gold, Recaro 182
Yes, the seats are what makes it special. Only 40 Black golds with Recaros came out of the factory.

You guys are right, probably jealous.
  RS MEG, 182
I usually wash mine once a fort night, always got the "your gonna wear the paint off that" "you washing that car again" from neighbours.
But the guy across the road does his twice a week, even in 6 inch snow or freezing conditions. Many people fall head over tit walking past his frozen drive way
  1.2 Clio
I wouldnt worry about what he thinks. If he doesnt say anything by tomorrow, wash your cars at least once more often a week. If you get crap of them, give it them back. Thats my moto :)
  Skoda Fabia vRS
The old next door neighbour seemed to have issues with me keeping my car clean - as others have said jealously that you have something nice. Luckily he is no more

do what Rich has clearly done, bump him off......
I usually wash mine once a fort night, always got the "your gonna wear the paint off that" "you washing that car again" from neighbours.
But the guy across the road does his twice a week, even in 6 inch snow or freezing conditions. Many people fall head over tit walking past his frozen drive way
