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All Racing Blue 182's on the Forum...

  Clio 182 FF
Thought i'd join in being a newbie to the clio scene :D


  • IMGP1019.JPG
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
now has a front plate :approve:



Love that, mate. That's similar to how I'd have mine. Just need to find the right one, first, ready for the upgrades :cool:

Sits well, and the black rims really show it off brilliantly. I think the only problem with black alloys is that the tyres can look a bit grey and worn. On brand new tyres or with plenty of slick they look fantastic, though. :)


  BMW 440i
Couple of cheeky updates :)



A snap of the engine bay at the moment, my RB Engine Cover should be with me by the end of the week, this engine bay will be even prettier in the summer :)

  RB One Eight Two
seeing as this thread has been really quiet lately, and I havn't posted any shots of my RB in it yet, I thought I would add a couple. The only mods so far are, Silvertec bulbs (front and rear) Front splitter, personalised plate, Janspeed cat back exhaust system (not fitted yet). Future plan is to lower it slightly and then that will be about it.




  182 Racing Blue, Recaros
Good to see this threads still going, plans for mine in the near future: -

Cambelt Service
New Gordini Badges
Gordini White Stripes
Gordini 200 Steering Wheel
and some other little bits of tinkering...
  182 trackday racer
About to buy one of these next week, it does not have the stripes though.. Know that I have seen the stripes as a Renault original item. Would be great if someone could provide me with the item number.
  182 trackday racer
Bought a RB 182 today and I need those stripes!!

Want the car to look like a gordini with factory fited stripes. So what are the measurements on the stripes and what style does the original cars have on the boot have seen many variations?

  RS 182 CUP
There 300 from Renault, I got a rb cup with the gordini stripes, one of only 208 in that combination. Love it to bits too
  Looking for 182
RB was a colour which when I first got my 182, I really couldn't stand it. Now if I had a choice I think I'd happily trade my arctic for one (even though I do still love arctic :p)
