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5 door campus sport cherry red sport seats?

  1.5 dci 5 door
hi guys i have a 5 door campus and am starting a project. i want the interior done first does anyone know if the clio rs seats will fit in a 5 door and if so does anyone no were to get them cheap.

will upload pics soon when i work out how it wont let me atm :S
  106 Quicky
First option: become a member and there's know doubt people selling them on here. Second option is try clio spares. Third option try ebay. Hope this helps! ;)
  1.5 dci 5 door

plans for the future:
lower 60mm
color code - 2 weeks from now booked an all
rs sports seats and door cards
new alloys
finish interior started spraying a few bits and pieces and reupholstered roof
  Listerine & Poledo
Lose the shopping lists on your doors fella, this aint Fast 5.

Oh, and with the lowz and alloys. You can get cheap tyres now and they'll last.
Get the lowz wrong and you'll be replacing your bigger tyres more often.

May I suggest you get your current rims resprayed instead?
  1.5 dci 5 door
yeah the decals are coming off when i get it color coded and the sticker bomb is already off. any idea where i can gt rs seats cheap?
  Listerine & Poledo
for sale section
(members only, but it's £12, best £12 you'll spend this year and if you can't justify that, you certainly should be blowing money on seats and springs)
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
The front RS seats will definitively fit, they are a straight swap. However I'm not to sure how the rear seats are in comparison to the 3door.


ClioSport Club Member
  disco 4, 182, Meglio
lose shopping lists and find a ph2/ph3 front bumper to replace the mess renault made with the campus bumper
  "Navy" N17 TWO
Well Stevie, get yourself a membership pack and have a ganzy in the Norn Iron section of the Local Meetings, and add yourself in the Region ;)
That way I can add you on the group list for meets etc.

We are planning a meet 23rd of this month running up the Glenshane Pass, grub ant photos etc - have a look at the thread :)


PS - car has nice plans, just forget the sticky bits ;)
