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RSTuning Rolling Road Day 26th November

Convoy Details from NW:

Meeting at Birch services on the M62 at 7:45, leaving at 8AM. Postcode for RSTuning is LS12 2DS if anyone needs it.

Can everyone coming please bring CASH.

See you all Saturday!

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I said I was coming when there was only 20ish names in the pot but my name was never put on the list???

The list should have really been updated yourself, as that's what happens when a list is formed on here. i.e. people copy and paste the list and add themselves to it.

You should be able to get a run in though, as the ones marked 'turning up' hardly ever do in my experience. (you watch now, every fcker will turn up lol)
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I said I was coming when there was only 20ish names in the pot but my name was never put on the list???

As your new to it, I'll put you in where you should have been. Next time could you please just pop your name on the end of the list. Just turn up on the day with your £35 mate. If your late, IE your time comes up but your not there, You'll have to wait.

For anyone else wanting to come, bare in mind the list is LONG. Put your name at the end and I'll amend the final running order I'm giving out.
  Phase 1 Clio 172
Cheers mate sorry for the f**k up on my part! See you Saturday hope the clios up to scratch with everyone else's as it's a new project I've just gotten!


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Can you take Daryl, Jimbo_m and big John off that list mate try can't make it now


ClioSport Admin
Can't imagine the looks a convoy of 20+ clio's get. We get enough when it's 3 or 4 of us.

We got some funny looks at the NE feb meet lol there was about 20odd of us driving in a line from the meeting place at one end of the beach to the pub at the other... there were some other RS's driving in the opposite direction, they looked like 'o_O woot?'
  Nimbus Megane R26
Good job on that list Jon, really looking forward to this..iv never even been on a RR day nevermind had my car on one! lol

Also for the NW meeting place you said "Birch services at 7:45am" .. did you mean burtonwood services by the M&S/Audi garage? As there is no services on the M62 at birchwood..

I will be at burtonwood services at 7:45am for anyone wanting to convoy with us.
  Nimbus Megane R26
Ahhh makes sense now! hmmm earlier start than what i thought now, will try and be there at 7:45 boys. If im late give me a ring on 07595719086 and let me know your leaving and ill try catch up because iv not a clue where RS tuning is lol
  Nimbus Megane R26
Ad Lewis will be coming with me in TT 225. Wants to run it if theres still spaces?

Cu guys at 7:45 at birch services.

Thanks for that Ed. As above its BIRCH services on the M62.

My names not on the list?!?!? :-o

Sorry mate, Your on now. #27.

Also I'm in Huddersfield so where and what time can I join the convoy?!?!?

Best to make your own way down mate. Postcode is LS12 2DS.

Ahhh makes sense now! hmmm earlier start than what i thought now, will try and be there at 7:45 boys. If im late give me a ring on 07595719086 and let me know your leaving and ill try catch up because iv not a clue where RS tuning is lol

If anyone needs my number its: 07927345606. Try to get there for 7:45 we'll be leaving at 8AM sharp.

Ad Lewis will be coming with me in TT 225. Wants to run it if theres still spaces?

Cu guys at 7:45 at birch services.

Added him to the bottom, but he might be waiting around a LONG time.
