I'm Dave - I have been lurking for a while looking to buy a Clio, and would like some opinions.
Pretty much every car I have ever owned has come from the bottom end of the market, and I see that 182 prices have tumbled in the last couple of years.
So without wanting to pay more than £2000, am I looking at a world of pain, or can I expect a reasonably good car? I by no means expect a showroom fresh minter, but would think that I should be able to find something thats not completely hanging and likely to hold together for a while? Mileage is of little importance to me, as long as the cars condition is satisfactory. As for FSH - yes, it's nice but doesn't really mean that much in the grand scheme of things....the car could well have been abused or neglected between services and I would rather see a folder full of receipts for DIY service parts and so on in an enthusiasts car than just a service book with some stamps in it in a car that Josephine Bloggs trundles about doing the school run with.
Recent belt changes seem to be a good selling point, with costs at around £500 for the works, this is a quarter of the cars value! plenty sellers out there say "belts done with receipts" but you need to check the mileages as there are quite a few whose adverts imply that all is well for the foreseeable, yet the belts are actually coming up for a due change fairly soon!
172's seem to be more commonly available around £1200 - £1500, but I prefer the looks of the 182 TBH. mustn't be silver though - I hate silver cars! Cup packs...FF...yeah, would be nice, but I very much doubt I would feel a difference with or without them on the road, so realistically this comes down to grey wheels and a bigger spoiler no?
I would want the climate control to work (I will be exporting it to France) and this seems to be a sticking point at this price range....are these systems unreliable? I have directly asked a couple of sellers who don't specify if it works and both times received the classic "Don't know - I never use it/haven't tried it" which pretty much guarantees that it doesn't work.
Why a Clio? well day to day I plod about in a 4x4 which is needed for my work and I have always had a second car for pleasure - usually something fast or silly. I just sold my 306 cabriolet as at 35, fat, ugly and balding, I felt like a bit of a tit with the roof down in town
so fancied something small and fast - Looked at RX8's for a while as their prices are in free fall too, but the sub 2k cars are plagued with engine troubles, so what better than a wee French hot hatch? I actually live in France, and second hand prices here are just crazy. 2500euros would get me an ok-ish Saxo VTS, but I just can't bring myself to spend that much dosh on something like that when I can pop back to UK and pick up something significantly better for the same money. Ok, the steering wheel is on the wrong side, but that's no hardship compared to the savings to be made. The cheapest Clio RS as they are called over here i have seen lately is about 5.5k!
Sorry for rambling a bit....What are your thoughts?
I'm Dave - I have been lurking for a while looking to buy a Clio, and would like some opinions.
Pretty much every car I have ever owned has come from the bottom end of the market, and I see that 182 prices have tumbled in the last couple of years.
So without wanting to pay more than £2000, am I looking at a world of pain, or can I expect a reasonably good car? I by no means expect a showroom fresh minter, but would think that I should be able to find something thats not completely hanging and likely to hold together for a while? Mileage is of little importance to me, as long as the cars condition is satisfactory. As for FSH - yes, it's nice but doesn't really mean that much in the grand scheme of things....the car could well have been abused or neglected between services and I would rather see a folder full of receipts for DIY service parts and so on in an enthusiasts car than just a service book with some stamps in it in a car that Josephine Bloggs trundles about doing the school run with.
Recent belt changes seem to be a good selling point, with costs at around £500 for the works, this is a quarter of the cars value! plenty sellers out there say "belts done with receipts" but you need to check the mileages as there are quite a few whose adverts imply that all is well for the foreseeable, yet the belts are actually coming up for a due change fairly soon!
172's seem to be more commonly available around £1200 - £1500, but I prefer the looks of the 182 TBH. mustn't be silver though - I hate silver cars! Cup packs...FF...yeah, would be nice, but I very much doubt I would feel a difference with or without them on the road, so realistically this comes down to grey wheels and a bigger spoiler no?
I would want the climate control to work (I will be exporting it to France) and this seems to be a sticking point at this price range....are these systems unreliable? I have directly asked a couple of sellers who don't specify if it works and both times received the classic "Don't know - I never use it/haven't tried it" which pretty much guarantees that it doesn't work.
Why a Clio? well day to day I plod about in a 4x4 which is needed for my work and I have always had a second car for pleasure - usually something fast or silly. I just sold my 306 cabriolet as at 35, fat, ugly and balding, I felt like a bit of a tit with the roof down in town
Sorry for rambling a bit....What are your thoughts?