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Recent content by Andy.A

  1. Andy.A

    Clunking noise front passenger side, top mounts?

    If it is, wheel off and torch to check?
  2. Andy.A

    Clunking noise front passenger side, top mounts?

    A few weeks ago I had a loud 'twang' noise come from the front passenger side when I took a right hand turn. Checked everything over, all seemed fine so I thought nothing of it. Over the last week or so every time I drive over a bump at low speeds (0-20mph) I get a clunking noise (think dropping...
  3. Andy.A

    Heated seats

    Not inspired by the quality of english in the advert either!!
  4. Andy.A

    Heated seats

    Will the standard seat foam like being heated? I can imagine the material would have been sourced to a spec which didn't include being heated, plus I can see a lot of heat being directed back into the seat.
  5. Andy.A

    Headunit recommendations for Mk2 Clio

    Step brother had a Mk3 XR3i with amped up Bose HI FI speaker as a sub, bad ass times.
  6. Andy.A

    Headunit recommendations for Mk2 Clio

    Have a chat with MT Audio in the traders section, just bought a setup pretty much identical to what you're looking. Should be within your budget as well.
  7. Andy.A

    Steering wheel cover

    Saw that one, a bit more than I wanted to spend and from memory he doesn't have any swap out items. Found a guy on fleabay who said he can make a stitch on cover for not so much, may have a play with that first. If not, break out the driving gloves. :D
  8. Andy.A

    Steering wheel cover

    Picked up my 172 today, finally sussed what people mean when they say 'melted steering wheel', are there any off the shelf covers that people use? Any other options?
  9. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    My bad, missed that part, thought you were in the business. Sorry for phreaking you out Chapster!
  10. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    It won't change the ip address that the outside world see's. We are trying to stop all network traffic that isnt on your subnet getting routed out to the Internet. A proxy will allow you to stop your internal network being able to resolve the outside world by allowing the proxy to do it for you...
  11. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    Hmmm, raid 5 not ideal for storage, we may have to agree to disagree there! Rackspace may have a slight charge for offsite backups :D
  12. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    Pretty much, wouldn't want to run AD straight off the bat, don't really see the need, 5 users or so? Run a proxy on the smooth wall device and DHCP and DNS on you're Windows server.
  13. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    Raid 5 is what most cheap storage runs, would be perfect for this application. The storage would also have to be encrypted (loads of different ways of doing this). The important thing is to get this data backed up and off site on a schedule. An expensive backup licence is worthless if your...
  14. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    Pick up the car on Saturday, been hanging around the forum and couldn't resist this post. SBS may be a bit of overkill IMO, it is going add a very large layer of complexity for what is in essence 2 services, a database and a file share. I design and build this stuff for a living ;)
  15. Andy.A

    Building a Server?

    To add, if you have the spare cash consider running a Linux / BSD based firewall such as Smoothwall, allowing you to proxy, filter, IDS and even more good things. this could be a big money saver for you and allow you to run a much more secure network than with a £150 firewall device.