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Recent content by HaveaCuppa

  1. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    I'll keep you posted! Stu @ renomotive (the man for clios in Scotland) bent my standard PS lines to clear the AC delete. He said it's fine to run for now but ideally they need changed to the advocult setup for a proper tidy job. You may as well do it properly though to be honest if you want to...
  2. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    Hi mate, Not yet! I've got a few bits to do first (trace a coolant leak and fit the fiberglass bonnet), but once that's all done, it'll be the next job to get the new gearbox in and get a set of advocult PS lines in. Hopefully some point in the spring I think. They've been recommended to me...
  3. HaveaCuppa

    Monaco 172 Track Car

    That's rotten luck, but it could have been a lot worse! Definitely get on marketplace and find a dodgy Yaris/berlingo/just eat spec shed to use for while the weather is grim
  4. HaveaCuppa

    Artic blue 182

    Welcome :) Lovely looking 182, arctic is the best colour :cool:
  5. HaveaCuppa

    Bonnets and aerocatches

    I'm looking for aerocatches or bonnet pins to give me a little more clearance on my inlet. There seems to be two options. Butcher the standard bonnet and fit the catches (it's not in the best shape anyway), or get a fiberglass bonnet and go down that route. The fiberglass route will cost...
  6. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    I'll have a look tomorrow for you and snap a pic. Im sure I had to slightly drill the hole a touch larger, but it's spot on now I did think that might be the case! To be honest, I'm not too arsed about the rain sensors. Thanks man, I'll get auto glass to have a look over the winter months.
  7. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    Dropped the Clio at Rentec in Leith for its MOT and service. To be honest, I was expecting a fail due to to sheer amount of gearbox oil we are leaking at the moment, but it landed a pass with only one advisory - Gearbox leak :ROFLMAO: The gearbox is a job for the new year. I picked up a...
  8. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    Haha thank you mate! Truth be told, they are just camera phone shots with a bit of editing. They come out well though!
  9. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    With the engine pretty much where I want it (apart from injectors and possible cams in the newer future), I've been spending most of the summer just enjoying the car. The clutch it's getting high and my gearbox is leaking like a sieve. It's not just the Renault sweat anymore, it's full on...
  10. HaveaCuppa

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    As always, a very late update. I must keep on top of this! The car has changed a bit since my last post. I managed to get hold of an OG Carbon RS2 I let from Stu at Renomotive. I had been after one ever since buying the car, so I couldn't say no. I booked the car into EFI for mapping and...
  11. HaveaCuppa

    197/200 Brembo Conversion - Wheel Fitment Guide

    Quick update on the turbines/maracana’s. They still don’t clear with a 25mm spacer. You’d probably clear it with another 5mm on top, so at least 30mm!? Sold now anyway, so maybe just swerve them unless you want Leepu spec spacers…
  12. HaveaCuppa

    197/200 Brembo Conversion - Wheel Fitment Guide

    :oops: Feck. I knew I should have checked this before. Cheers for the reply though!
  13. HaveaCuppa

    197/200 Brembo Conversion - Wheel Fitment Guide

    Did you ever find this out? I’ve just got myself a set of turbines but never thought to check if they’ll clear a 280mm set up.
  14. HaveaCuppa

    Rs Tuner and remapping?

    Brilliant, I’ll see if I can get my hands on one first then. Thank you (y)
  15. HaveaCuppa

    Rs Tuner and remapping?

    I’m in the process of fitting a JMS inlet to my 182 and need a bit of advice regarding remapping it. I’m not 100% sure if my car is currently running the 98 Ron map from Henk @ Rs Tuner. There’s a sticker on the engine cover, so I’d assume so. This locks the ECU (according to most who have had...