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Fuel pump not always priming


ClioSport Club Member
I may have an intermittent problem with my fuel pump.

Every so often, the car wont start on the first turn of the key (just cranks) but is fine on the second. Sometimes it has a very lazy start. I've researched on the forum and it seems a few people also have issues with it not starting on the first turn but fine on the second, with fingers being pointed at the fuel pump.

I've started to listen to the fuel pump when i turn the ignition on and I can't always hear it prime, I'm assuming it is starting with what is already in the fuel lines in these cases, other times I can hear it prime.

I've not really found a resolution to this, apart from replacing the fuel pump. However, at over £100 I only want to replace it if it is very likely to resolve the problem. It's been going on for well over a year now and does seem to be getting more frequent.

Anyone come across this before or have any other solutions?

The fuel pump I was looking at getting was this one...

I have replaced the fuse and I think the relay has been changed recently.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Just buy a second hand unit off eBay they only go for £20 or so.

A hole in the fuel lines can also cause this so have a good check of the pipes whilst it’s running too.


ClioSport Club Member
On stock map the pump only primes on 2nd cycle of ignition which is usually not an issue when all working ok. Pump change wont change this as thats how it works as original.

Your issue is the fuel pressure reg intank is not holding pressure which causes the long crank if not primed. Bang a new sender and pump in and it will be fine.


ClioSport Club Member
On stock map the pump only primes on 2nd cycle of ignition which is usually not an issue when all working ok. Pump change wont change this as thats how it works as original.

Your issue is the fuel pressure reg intank is not holding pressure which causes the long crank if not primed. Bang a new sender and pump in and it will be fine.
Thanks. Looks like what I linked to is just the sender, do they not come with a pump?
En el mapa de fábrica, la bomba solo se carga en el segundo ciclo de encendido, lo que normalmente no es un problema cuando todo funciona bien. El cambio de bomba no cambiará esto, ya que así es como funciona de manera original.

El problema es que el regulador de presión de combustible en el tanque no mantiene la presión, lo que provoca un arranque lento si no está preparado. Coloque un sensor nuevo y una bomba y todo irá bien.

Puedes poner aquí una foto de ese sensor que comentas....

VIene separado o todo junto con la bomba y el aforador???

Gracias !!!
