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I've got somebody coming to see me on Saturday for £150 Madman but if you're willing to pay a bit extra or BIN then they're yours!
Yes, very cheap seats but it's what the M3 seats cost me so I've lost nothing!
Cheers Dave, I've given them a good scrub with AG Leather Cleaner and then some Supaguard Cream Protector but heard about gliptone!
Cheers Rob yeah I'd be after a set of 8.5J fronts and 9J rears but still need to sort the rear out! Well, scrappies round here aren't really filled up with...
Thanks sj, I'd recommend one to anyone who listened ;) !
Thanks also, Jon, they're DEPO copies so have a resistor pack which bypasses the need for reprogramming thankfully!
I wasn't up for all the fuss and they look genuine enough! OEM+ :D
Finally fitted the M3 seats!! Only problems I ran into were the rear seat nut rounding itself off,
the first aid box got me straight in the teeth whilst putting it back in (blooody ouch) and also
the lumber switch on the driver's side seat fell apart when I touched it so I need to order a new...
Saw a white one and a black one today! Was amazed at how thin they are!! Got to wait at least 2 weeks until my contract is up before I even consider getting one now!