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Search results

  1. M

    The XBox One Thread

    Some good free games with gold this month. one being project cars. Cant remember the name of the other ones but pretty impressive!
  2. M

    iPhone Upgrade Programme

    Yes sorry the Apple iphone. Think I will do it, contracts really aren't all that anymore I find.
  3. M

    iPhone Upgrade Programme

    Is anyone on it, tempted to start it when the iphone 8/x comes out and just run a Sim only deal. Seems you get a much better deal than the monthly ones. At the end of the 12 months what happens if you give the phone back slightly damaged?
  4. M

    The Apple Watch Thread

    No its brilliant, just really querying if there is anything much apart from GPS to be honest :)
  5. M

    The Apple Watch Thread

    Anyone upgraded from gen1 to gen2.. cant really see much of a benefit.
  6. M

    Call of Duty - Modern Warfare and MW2 / Next Gen

    He could have been using the dead silence perk?
  7. M

    iPhone battery issue

    Tempted, how much is it? My main body of the phone is scratched a bit, would they try make me replace the phone completely?
  8. M

    iPhone battery issue

    Mine now has stopped turning off randomly. Well not as much. When it crashes this way I can use touch ID to unlock phone. However when you use snapchat, you go to view a new snap it crashes. When this crashes I have to put my code in.. Friend has the exact same on his Iphone 6.. Apple are kn*bs.
  9. M

    The XBox One Thread

    I use mine with one side half on as I cant hear my own voice in my headphones which really throws me off. Also don't like feeling like someone coul walk in and scare the sh*t out of me with no warning.
  10. M

    Gears of war 4

    Played all the ones before, whats the campaign like? Online still the same with noob old school moves?
  11. M

    The XBox One Thread

    I love my elite controller, not so much in racing games but mainly in shooting games. Using it in cod is great. As a controller to hold its immense. Feels how the controller should have felt. Much more grippy. I needed to replace controller and got it for £100 over the normal one for about £50...
  12. M

    Call of Duty - Modern Warfare and MW2 / Next Gen

    Used to love all forms of Hardcore. Now TDM everyone just camps and uses a sniper. Search and destroy is similar. Normal everyone just user juggernaught like N00bS
  13. M

    Lower cost go pro alternative

  14. M

    Call of Duty - Modern Warfare and MW2 / Next Gen

    Bought the game with a friend and XBOX share. Enjoying it but same frustrations ha. I shot them first. Did they even shoot etc. New Maps came out last night, after spending about 2 hours downloading it didn't work. Think it started working after 12am or something.
  15. M

    Lower cost go pro alternative

    How will I know if it's not, ordered off Amazon
  16. M

    Lower cost go pro alternative

    So recommend the SJCAM s4000?
  17. M

    Final Fantasy 411

    Jokes aside.. has anyone played FF 15 yet? Looks a lot better, I did love 7... got 10 but didn't really like the turn based go's compared to 7. 15 seems more button bash style explore game!
  18. M

    Titanfall 2

    Wish had seen it on deal!! Was free trial at weekend but didn't get a chance to play.
  19. M

    Amazon fire TV sticks

    How do you get this?
  20. M

    Titanfall 2

    Its £42 everywhere now :(
  21. M

    Best drone under £100 (new) boom maybe wasn't £40 with camera but don't think was much more!
  22. M

    Best drone under £100 (new)

    There is a thread on here with drones, cant remember the name but its in general chat. One people seemed to recommended was about £40 for a beginner and then batteries for £10 on top!
  23. M

    Sky Cancellation

    Nice work!!
  24. M

    iPhone battery issue

    As above, mine is a 6 yet has the same issue. My friend has a 6 and his is the same. Love the way they mention if there are any marks or cracks etc they need to sort that out.. so will charge you for a new phone first lol.
  25. M

    Sky Cancellation

    Logged in and seen if there are any offers yet?
  26. M

    Sky Cancellation

    I may just do chat and say I know you can do it at this much.. do it for me ha.
  27. M

    How much do you pay for Sky/Virgin?

    Went online and even with 50%. Internet. Sports only. (in HD) it was at about £100!! That wasn't even with BT sports on top. Their internet was £35 alone to get any decent speed and unlimited!
  28. M

    iPhone battery issue

    Problems always arise when the new phone comes out. Standard Apple. How they get away with it I don't know!
  29. M

    Travel Photography

    Epic shots, makes me miss New York and want to plan another holiday there!
  30. M

    Forza Horizon 3

    Brilliant, I presume then at those markers you just choose the car class etc you want to do. SO last weekend was offorad or something. Is online worth playing?