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my passenger headlight's adjuster is fooducked, it aims way too high and if you turn on dipped beam without engine running, you can hear it buzzing. so question of the day is.... can you just replace something in the headlight, or is it a new headlight situation?
since my car only came with one key, how much is it to buy another key and get it programmed? can u buy a random key and have it matched to your car? sorry if this is stupid question :o
u think ill be able to see a big difference? shall i book it in now (he cant do till end of march) or leave it till summer? i hate being indecisive lol
anyone had this done to their car? i really want me car done as im a perfectionist and it does have a few light scratches and paint just looks old lol i used to polish/was my old car almost weekly just to show u how anal i am when it comes to nice paint. anyway found a site of company that's...
because its taking ageeesssss to download everything, been doin it for a few hours now altho my brother was downloadin music too. hes finished now and it is abit quicker. so its ok to leave it on all nite? wouldnt it carry on from where it was stopped if i put it in hibernate?
in middle of downloading music onto my new brand spankers music player, went abit over board on napster, anyway its only 20% completed downloadin and transferring to player. if i put laptop on hibernate and not shut it down, will it just carry on when i start laptop up again? or is it going to...