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Search results

  1. P

    197 - and some memories...

    bit like inferno...nice colour :)
  2. P

    My new GTi

    wheels look in great nik! :approve: sillver doesnt look out of place but i know your as anal as me :rasp:
  3. P

    Heanor and Derby

    i saw a r27 the other week parked in tesco! (taking two car spaces) 57 plate - the only one ive seen around here :)
  4. P

    My new GTi

    calipers look nice are they painted silver?! ;)
  5. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    LOL ^^
  6. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    thanks all - lets ohpe we get some sun this summer :o
  7. P

    Is this anyones here..?

    172 sprayed looks nice!
  8. P

    My new 187 Cup :)

    i think it is!!!
  9. P

    My new 187 Cup :)

    bloody mucky under there!! LOL :rasp: might not be blueflame!! mine never looked like that!! might be an early example or a late example! :S
  10. P

    My new 187 Cup :)

    thanks!!! :)nice to see another one!! not many of us!! :)
  11. P

    My new 187 Cup :)

    i too had an elise (elise S 56 plate) LOL and bought this car!! we have a fair bit in common!! (both great cars) :approve:
  12. P

    My new 187 Cup :) if your interested! ;)
  13. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    that would just be silly :rasp:
  14. P

    My new 187 Cup :)

    you mean he sits to high :rasp:
  15. P

    My new 187 Cup :)

    snap kind of!! LOL
  16. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    thats a photoshop anyway!! inferno never looks like that! imo!
  17. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    LOL ^^ :)
  18. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    i think its looks yummy in the pic, even with no sun!!!! :(
  19. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    ya ya :) ^^ it looks red in pic!! but in real life its never been red LOL
  20. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    only 420 for a 26 yr old! :approve: thanks :)
  21. P

    Clio goes to Asda

    LOL in the rain :( at least the cup was still shining - shame the weather wasnt a lot better Cheers Paul :approve:
  22. P

    My 172 Cup

    nice not keen on the font on the plate! :) apart from that looks mint!!!!!
  23. P

    Few little changes to the cup

  24. P

    Few little changes to the cup

    got a snap on seat cover i put on now and again!! when it goes to the dealer!!
  25. P

    Few little changes to the cup

  26. P

    Few little changes to the cup

    ive been thinking about one of them - next little mod i think :) and i need some sill protectors too imo :) thanks!
  27. P

    Few little changes to the cup

    there more hard wearing than carpet!!! LOL about the old ones being worse!!
  28. P

    Few little changes to the cup

    its not home made LOL - think it was from wilkos only a few pounds - just nice to have in your car - and matches rather nice!! LOL
  29. P

    Few little changes to the cup

    let hope we get some nice weather this year to use it LOL picnic ftw ;)
  30. P

    Few little changes to the cup

    my carpet mats that i was never sure about tbh