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Search results

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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

    Hardened edition 89.99.....
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Looks epic!!
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    just renewed mine insurance

    Thats high, thats £2400 plus a year and i guess that car cost less than that!!
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Not sure if will be on, been playing badly...usually do but especially on s and d but really dire at moment
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Just dont search for Maddie or Cuddle Cat...
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    I have already seen them....
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers this...local rag...epic story about local pedo...highlights are he searched for "maddie p**n" and animal p**n!
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Tart.. I will be on in 30 mins or so after had some dinner...on for evening
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Ah is Geddes grooming her?
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 From overhead map looks pretty poor
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Bupa ftw! In separate news who is gemma?
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

    Check out this video on YouTube:
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Sorry about last night, my mic wasnt working, couldnt hear a thing anyone was saying, should be on tonight
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Alymac...changed forum name!
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

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    Anyone with ipad 1 noticed any issue with its clock? Mine seems bad for keeping time, i set it every few weeks and for eexample it is running 5 minutes fast. Wouldnt expect an item like an ipad to have such an issue
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Have to agree about Ump45, usually a beast of a gun from short to long distances but using it myself and then following others using it after i have died it just doesnt seem the same
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    You were Seb...rape would be best description!
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    I am playin so shite at moment, getting destroyed in s & d!
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    GW 200 Ayr front car park, South Ayrshire.

    Loads of rs's around ayrshire, have seen a few 200's in ayr, red and white usually.
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers who is getting damp with the swet today/tonight?
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    Bang tidy 200 quote!!

    I honestly dont understand people spending over £1k on insurance. It is due to the value and amount of claims that are made, it keeps me in a job.
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    Bang tidy 200 quote!!

    £282...fully comp, guaranteed ncd, £250 to love the postcode! I am with Aviva and so cheap compared to Egg who wanted double plus £100.
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    You bring the lube...i will bring the tube
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    You were on for last night gman, I will be on around 7.30pm for the evening...will mainly be tubing
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Ground war can be laggy but its epic for getting multi kills and getting some big kill seb I am on this until Nov and MW3. Oh and felt good getting a quad!
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    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    15 mins...just updating the ipods
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    Hire car being provided by RUK

    Okay I am sorry but where in my post do I make out like I drive a Ferrari? Its a forum for asking questions, I have never had a hire car supplied by a manufacturer so I asked to see what others had happened.