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Very nice i am already very jelous of you. You have the headlights i want and the spot lights/ fog lights whatever you call them, and is that leather seats?
I am going to go to a scrapyard to try and pick up some cheap phase 2 bump strips and experiment on them and if i like them i will put them...
Just basic stuff. Halfords was and wax then turtle wax polish. Just start with hozing it down then wash it with the wash and wax twice then apply the polish let it dry for 20 mins then thats it thats my trick :D
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Don't Know if this is the right forum correct me if i am wrong sorry. But could somebody help me with how to post a decent picture on this website instead of using the attaching a thumbnail way. It's just not as good as a big picture that you don't need to click on.
Alright thanks i will give you a pm one time hopefully soon and come and meet you at halfords or somewhere like that. Thanks very much for giving me them though. Where did you get them from?
I am going to try and go to one of the meets but they always seem to come up the day i am playing in a golf comp or something, could you send me one because i don't know when i am going to get a chance to meet. Sorry will meet u at one of the meets i am sure.