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  1. HartZ


    Great plate, love the front aswell, very unique
  2. HartZ

    Cup packed or not?

    yeh ill get a picture up later
  3. HartZ

    My Cup spoiler

    oluch that looks rather nasty
  4. HartZ

    Opinion please, white or anthracite Turinis (pics included)

    I like white but as above others have said you better enjoy cleaning 3-4 times a week lol
  5. HartZ

    Cup packed or not?

    Ive recently bought my 182 from a dealer and i know the main differences between the packs on the 182's. I have a cup pack spoiler but with silver standard 182 wheels, the ride height seems to be quite high aswell Is there anything more specific that I can notice on my car that would give me...
  6. HartZ

    Best Non - Sport

    remember this car from way back, +1 best non-sport
  7. HartZ

    Trophied Arctic Blue 182

    Agree, coilovers make the car look better but handling wise id say you have done the better option
  8. HartZ

    Xenon fitments.. H7 8000K

    Not for myself G i need to sell them and wanted to recommend the model fitment, thanks for the info
  9. HartZ

    Trophy 007 and the story so far.......

    First trophy ive seen on coileys, looks awesome and fair play for being different
  10. HartZ

    Most Modified?

    They were both on the meggy stands at FCS last year werent they? ^
  11. HartZ

    182 FF or 172 ph2 with mods?

    Ive also had both cars, and still got the 182 now, i thought the 172 drove much smoother!
  12. HartZ

    Xenon fitments.. H7 8000K

    As in the title, I have a set of xenon headlights that are a H7 fitment and 8000k Not sure if anyone knows off the top of their head if these are compatible with renaults? If not what models these will fit? Cheers, Dan
  13. HartZ

    182 Exhaust / Prospeed system exhausts

    Have you got a picture Triki?
  14. HartZ

    It's unlike me...

    I likie them too in a funny kinda way
  15. HartZ

    Hard as nails: S2000

    lovely looking too low at the front IMO
  16. HartZ

    Fancyplates - some (hopefully) useful info. for those thinking of ordering

    I think its been quite a useful thread, as i never knew what to look for at first, searched around and found this thread, like the size of your plate, changes the whole look of the front of the car IMO Thanks! You should work for them lol
  17. HartZ

    My 182 after a 6 hour clean!

    That looks unbelievable, the effects in the pictures make the car look so clean, well worth the 6 hours lol
  18. HartZ

    182 Exhaust / Prospeed system exhausts

    Hey all, ive been looking at getting an aftermarket exhaust for my 182 but im stuck on which ones give the best emissions, performance and sound. I love the look of the prospeed exhaust on Guppys shed, where is the best place to have a look and compare some prices and ideas.. Also would you...
  19. HartZ

    Fancyplates - some (hopefully) useful info. for those thinking of ordering

    Ive just ordered mine now 520mm X 94mm like yours Neat :)
  20. HartZ

    172/182 Guide. Cup Packs/Spec Info

    Very informative, great guide for first time buyers
  21. HartZ

    Fresh out of the body shop

    Very nice indeed, paintwork looks immaculate
  22. HartZ

    '05 LY RS Clio 182

    whats the spring setup on this?
  23. HartZ

    '05 LY RS Clio 182

    that is probably one of ther nicest LY 182's ive seen, the paintwork and interior look brand new, great colour coding aswell
  24. HartZ

    black and orange photoshop

    Not 100% convinced itll look great, how about lime green :p
  25. HartZ

    Recaros out, Corbeau Revolution in.

    looks spot on that does fletch, great choice considerring the theme of the car
  26. HartZ

    Looking to buy a 182 - A little lost. Where do I start!?

    Thats one of the best answers in my opinion, I partly bought my 182 due to fact these belts were both done as well as the water pump. Check for FSH by renault too, thats always a winner!
  27. HartZ

    Arctic Blue Clio 182

    absolutely love the super/ultra legras
  28. HartZ

    my 182 project.

    How have you found the itg and remap together? Noticed many improvements?
  29. HartZ

    All Inferno 182's on the Forum

    loving your exhaust bonxy. looks very clean