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  1. Plummer

    None-Sport Little modz!

    Colour coded and coilovers and it would look the shiz! :) (same wheels as me! :D )
  2. Plummer

    the daily

    Fook me that is low!
  3. Plummer

    From Campus too...

    Xenon's and wheel fitted (with added carbon goodness!) Thanks goes out to Firas for helping me fit them! Although I was shitting myself driving home for an hour incase the airbag went off! :rasp:
  4. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Couldn't disagree more! It's full of crap players!
  5. Plummer

    Xenon lights problem!!!

    Just a simple one, was a case of where the smaller wire plugged in at the back, it was different on mine to the xenon's I got. Just a case of clipping them off and swapping them over though!
  6. Plummer

    Sometimes people shouldnt get in pictures.

    Is that Lusty in the ST!? :eek:
  7. Plummer

    Xenon lights problem!!!

    Unless it's from a newer car (from personal experience!).
  8. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    They obviously know people are going off MW2 so just trying to milk it as fast as possible.
  9. Plummer

    Red Dead Redemption

    Looking very forward to this! :D
  10. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Friggin hate this, worst respawn system ever!! Also HATE playing with crap players, I play mercenary TD so I can use party chat with my mates (something I also despise) and I get teamed up with SHITE! I manage to get 30-40 kills with 5-15 deaths consecutively, and still, I always loose as...
  11. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    That was quick! :lolup:
  12. Plummer

    dash strips on my 200

    Would of been better painted pearl black like the console IMO, but each to their own!
  13. Plummer

    dash strips on my 200

    What colour were they before?
  14. Plummer

    pics of iceburgs with darkish grey alloys?

    Darkish grey? You mean Anthracite?
  15. Plummer

    No decent Clio threads on here lately?

    To the OP. Maybe a case of recession "and" you can now buy bolt on turbo/super kits so no need to put up big threads on the builds?
  16. Plummer

    Ideas for my standard Clio 1.2

    I went down the more expensive route with my 1.2 ;) (best pics I have atm). IMO depends how much your willing to spend what you should/can do! :)
  17. Plummer

    ph1 or ph2 rear end?

    Cup spoilers don't suit either IMO.
  18. Plummer

    portuguese white dci

    If you make the windows black it will look like a van though?
  19. Plummer

    my 'different' clio back from new paint :)

    Exactly my thought! :D
  20. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Commando with a SPAS? :rolleyes:
  21. Plummer

    210bhp possible with no cams ?

    If he has the print out, sounds like an optimistic RR..
  22. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    SPAS is rapage when hosting.
  23. Plummer


    Side windows give it away.
  24. Plummer


    This video has been on the game website for DAYS! Can't make out anything in that video!
  25. Plummer

    portuguese white dci

    Where are the xenons and grille? :S
  26. Plummer

    STREET FIGHTER LEGACY - awesome short film.

    They are both SHWEET!
  27. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    I just knifed 4 boys in a row that were camping on the cliff on Afghan! Managed to get myself 2 AC-130's in that match! :lolup: TD btw.
  28. Plummer

    V-maxx coilovers for the 172 can anyone match?

    On group buys that's the price they tend to be around give or take £10.
  29. Plummer

    Hi-end Laptop - Where??

    These guys come highly recommended from me!