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yup parked on my own, taking up two spaces....has to be done, just cant risk any damage at moment when due to be gone in 3 weeks
seen you waive or something and looked and see guy standing beside me and thought it was to him...
my girlfriend has a 1.4 dynamique s...bought two years ago, she had call last september from dealers to say due service and had it done, now this year no call and no service light on? what is service period? is it every year like the 197's?
cheers guys, i guessed it could be used but didnt know since ultra was not a metallic colour, when i had my arctic blue 182 i just srp on it but want to make sure its looking good through winter...
I had same issue a month ago, sony vaio laptop and bt homehub, it would connect with limited connectivity, i ended up switching router off and left it for a minute and it worked fine afterwards
still looks good mate, i went from a ff 182 to standard 197 as my back was fucked from suspension but f**k it live only once so my 200 is coming with cup chasis
didnt have camera with me, will try get over at weekend, honestly though looked stunning...they also had the worst looking 197 i have ever seen, last owner should have been fuckin shot