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Search results

  1. D

    Data transfer from old to new desktop...what options?

    Hardwire will always be much faster
  2. D

    You wont believe your eyes...

  3. D

    Local photographer needed!

    Oh yeah, and here's my cat
  4. D

    Local photographer needed!

    At request, here's the future bacon sarnie A Hoss
  5. D

    Pup meets the beach for the first time

    Love the third one best!!
  6. D

    megane wheels everyone wants

    Make him an offer he can't refuse :D
  7. D

    megane wheels everyone wants

    Email him, you could go pick them up tomorrow fella!!
  8. D

    megane wheels everyone wants

    Haha nothing like a bit of confidence dude!
  9. D

    recommend a router? wirless help???

    Netgear DG384G End of thread!! NEXT!!
  10. D

    Local photographer needed!

    I got some porker pics aye, was too busy sniggering at it to be fair though so they may (will) be s**t
  11. D

    Local photographer needed!

    There's a quality pig lives up there with tusks and everything, had a face full of sawdust, funny as f**k!! It snores like a beast too
  12. D

    Honda Civic Type R (2007) vs. 197 Cup.

    You can get a brand new one (197 cup) for about £13k basic
  13. D

    todays picture

  14. D

    Nice looking Jag! £80k

    I adore the new XK's
  15. D

    Photography equipment, Where to buy?
  16. D

    Local photographer needed!

    Like i say, got the gear but not great at taking pics but would have a go: However, am off work with fook all to do for the next couple a days so depends when you want it doing?
  17. D

    Local photographer needed!

    Maybe we should have a mini CS meet at the stables and get pics of some hoss They can pick n choose then :D
  18. D

    Hot Chick in a Black 182 filling up in Asda @ Boldon

    Potential 182Punk Style Ownage?
  19. D

    Local photographer needed!

    Barugh Green mate, you?
  20. D

    Hot Chick in a Black 182 filling up in Asda @ Boldon

    You can't see below my waist :o
  21. D

    Hot Chick in a Black 182 filling up in Asda @ Boldon

    It was me out in my weekend clobber
  22. D

    Bye Bye 182 :-( ..... Hello new toy.

    I love the coupe's mmmmmm mmm
  23. D

    Livid, absolutely fuming!

    Erm, Laura, he means a real rabbit ;)
  24. D

    Local photographer needed!

    Well I dunno about good with a camera I'm more "all the gear no idea" but would have a crack at it if you're struggling
  25. D

    My Mazda 3 MPS

    My boss has one, rapid as fook and well put together Damned good price
  26. D

    Mud Flaps.

    I love beef flaps