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  1. Plummer

    Mass Effect 2

    MW2 had a good story!? :lolup: I almost missed it it was that short! lol. You definitely won't like MGS4. If you think ME is like a movie. That's what makes RPG's IMO.
  2. Plummer

    Mass Effect 2

    You obviously don't play games for the story's then. Judging by what you are calling good games anyway!
  3. Plummer

    182 or Astra GSI Turbo

    Have some love! :drunk: :lolup:
  4. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    :rasp: So do I! Being downgraded soon though! :D Prefer the rangers myself! :)
  5. Plummer

    182 or Astra GSI Turbo

    Oh I didn't say they were bad! Just answering the question as to why they are perceived as chavvy. I would have one over a sport! But I have a bigger car in mind again. ;)
  6. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    Use it without a silencer then! :) Fookin hate that shotgun, refuse to use it! :rasp:
  7. Plummer

    182 or Astra GSI Turbo

    I've always associated Astra's with chav's, mainly as I see chav's driving them?
  8. Plummer

    my 200 :)

    like 10 posts! :lolup:
  9. Plummer

    Aliens vs Predator - Official thread

    The 16th I read?
  10. Plummer

    Aliens vs Predator - Official thread

    Is there a date on this yet?
  11. Plummer

    Mass Effect 2

    Ya hoor! Not one below 90!
  12. Plummer

    Aliens vs Predator - Official thread

    This is going to surpass COD in my eyes! :D
  13. Plummer

    Aliens vs Predator - Official thread

    Hunter! :D
  14. Plummer

    no one placed a bid on this clio

    At that price? No wonder!
  15. Plummer

    My clio 1.2 from Argentina!

    But it isn't a sport! :rasp: Looks good otherwise! :) Reminds me of how mine used to be.
  16. Plummer

    COD:MW2 Kill ratios

    Ok doke! :) Just thought it was a bit far fetched to get a killstreak of 41 on TDM! :rasp:
  17. Plummer

    COD:MW2 Kill ratios

    I mean.. Well I was told anyway.. At the end of the game say your 7-0. In the next game your kill count is still on 7 for the scoreboard but your killsteak rewards are not carried over, so say you get another 10 kills on the next map, you highest killstreak reflected on the leaderboards would...
  18. Plummer

    clio 200 rolling road result

    Well the standard 1*2's didn't make power, so I don't see the harm to check if the car makes what it is claimed to have.
  19. Plummer

    [PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

    I lol'd! That guy cracks me up!
  20. Plummer

    Fable 2

    Yeah Q4 2010.
  21. Plummer

    COD:MW2 Kill ratios

    Just more bullets in the mag, no extra bullets, I though the same originally! :dapprove: Really? I was told your rewards don't carry over but your streak count does?
  22. Plummer

    COD:MW2 Kill ratios

    :rasp: From what I'm told if you didn't die when the game ends, your killstreak carries over.
  23. Plummer

    Fable 2

    :lolup: Fable 3 this year! :)
  24. Plummer

    COD:MW2 Kill ratios

    up to 1.73 with a steak of 41 IIRC. :)
  25. Plummer

    Mk3 - superlegga's opinions needed!!

    I think they would look alright if you slammed it.
  26. Plummer

    Just give me some space....

  27. Plummer

    RS Rep

    Same! :approve:
  28. Plummer

    Just give me some space....

    BTW, you will either need to machine the bore deeper on the spacer or grind your hub lip down, or the spacers won't fit. Coming from first hand experience.
  29. Plummer

    Mass Effect 2

    WILLIAMS!!! YAS!! Any chance of getting this early if I pre-order it?