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  1. M

    file converter help

    from what to wmv ?
  2. M

    Microsoft Office Student 2007 Product key

    phone microsoft then
  3. M

    my 147 gta...

    fuel lol on my test drive taking it sensible ish average of 18 and dipped down to 8 when having fun
  4. M

    Cheapest brand new 360?

    seen the elite for 179
  5. M

    Hellingly Mental Asylum

    granted its not ones of hellingly but i have always liked this blokes visits to places
  6. M

    orange blackberry down ?

    it came back up at 5:30 for me aparantly it was down to some vandals
  7. M

    Home Internet Media Server - help required

    yup depends obviously what your allowed to do but you could do a simple pptp vpn
  8. M

    Home Internet Media Server - help required

    id have said vpn is the easyest and most secure
  9. M

    Plans for the rest of the year

    erm nothing but mw2 for me untill mw3 is out id imagine or a waw2
  10. M

    orange blackberry down ?

    they said they didnt know but it was super high escelated level defcon one sort of status so id imagine they are working franticly towards fixing it
  11. M

    orange blackberry down ?

    aparantly accoring to orange their entire data network is down has been since about 8am
  12. M

    orange blackberry down ?

    all our blackberrys have reverted to lowercase gprs will phone them in a minute anyway but wanting to know if others are ok
  13. M

    Nice Sleeper..

    exactly compared to that its dirt cheap lol
  14. M

    Nice Sleeper..
  15. M

    Nice Sleeper..

    hmm how much do normal mint chrome bumper mgb's go for these days ?
  16. M

    New Gaming PC

    the new i7 860 seems to be a better bet than the 920 now faster in some ways and just as fast in the rest
  17. M

    pptp vs ipsec

    no one ?
  18. M

    What sort of Gamer are you?

    i usually start of on teh hardest dificulty setting but i wouldnt say im that good i just keep plugging away
  19. M

    pptp vs ipsec

    right we have a situation at the moment where we have external users that access our in-house systems they are cobol on a sun fire V440 and its basically just character based sending screens back and forth etc anyway when you use the ipsec vpn via asa5510 it takes 18-24 seconds to launch the...
  20. M

    Quite urgent ASA ipsec vpn help

    shouldnt be as they were configured and left as far as i was aware but obviously thats the obvious answer i dont know enough about them to play with them in a live situation really but now i have been forced too as i have just found out they arnt supported by the company that supplied them
  21. M

    Quite urgent ASA ipsec vpn help

    sorted it needed an acl set up for the vpn range to internal network my issue with this is why did it stop working ??
  22. M

    Quite urgent ASA ipsec vpn help

    im having issues with a ASA5505 it has a ipsec vpn setup that connects gets an ip for an address pool etc but i cant ping anything on the internal network i also have a ASA5510 and as far as i can tell they are now the same (bar the obvious differences between two different networks) and this...
  23. M

    my ping has gone tits up :(

    right Reply from bytes=32 time=60ms TTL=249 Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=249 Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=249 Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=249 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%...
  24. M

    When mods go...

    i need a new lanyard
  25. M

    Sega Dreamcast

    nah sold mine ages ago :( get shenmue stuck on or crazy taxi
  26. M

    When mods go...

    small fry next to the twin turbo conversion though wonder if its the 850 or 1050 conversion though
  27. M

    my ping has gone tits up :(

    no that ping was on my les10 connection at my work lol cant test mine till im at home
  28. M

    my ping has gone tits up :(

    i havent hit my limit thats for sure infact i havent downloaded anything this month 800mb or so last months 6.13gb month before that 112GB
  29. M

    my ping has gone tits up :(

    will try later when im home my les10 is currently giving 24ms to that ip and thats shared with 150 users and vpn and mail traffic
  30. M

    my ping has gone tits up :(

    i was jut using the ping from the server in manchester and teh fact in cod my ping is now usually 3 green bars rather than teh full dark green ones