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  1. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    no worries i've got the day off tomorrow so will be on until stupid o clock
  2. D

    360 or Wii ??

    My mate's getting a wii and I'll definitely be having some fun on it i reckon, would do my tits in having to swing around all the time though
  3. D

    360 or Wii ??

    360 unless you want to look like a 'tard playing your wii swinging arms around in a gay fashion in front of the telly
  4. D

    I aint wanting a HD tv after playing it on mine, is a top notch 32" Loewe though
  5. D

    Good skills mate
  6. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    me and sneeks both had one each by the neck at one point next to each other, was piss funny
  7. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    I'm not fussed, as long as we can get past it and onto a co-op one again hehe Was funny as fook t'other night when we found out we could kill them :D
  8. D

    Yeah they'll "give you one" in store ;)
  9. D

    Cancel the order from them jokers and get yourself into Game, you can play it tonight then and TBH the in store game offers are the best around IMO And the one's at Virgin.
  10. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    Was just looking for this thread, was gonna ask if we're still on for tonight. Will accept the squad invite when I get in.
  11. D

    COD3 Don't think GoW is region free yet
  12. D

    Here you go mate, very handy
  13. D

    Sky + Help!!!

    Have you currently got sky? If so, phone up and cancel, when they ask why, say you want Sky+ but you aren't paying for a box or £10 a month. They'll probably offer the box, installation and no monthly fee to keep you (did with my dad)
  14. D

    For an extra tenner you can get the same deal from Game I think?
  15. D

    360 market place

    Or about £23 for gold from t'ebay :D
  16. D

    Are the latest crop of mobiles cack?

    my W810i is top drawer 6 months old now and I've not found anything about it that really annoys me, which is a first for me :D
  17. D

    360 market place

    Where did you bring the laptop to(tm)?
  18. D

    Gears of war from 8pm tonight

    Got my copy this morning, but won't be able to play until tomorrow night now, watching Casino Royale tonight. Was playing Rainbow Six multiplayer demo against some raving homo yanks last night, they kept kicking me out and banning me when I "offended them" oops
  19. D

    Trip down memory lane

    Awww man I used to get that mag, was amazing (at the time) for my Master System & Megadrive (16-Bit dontcha know!)
  20. D


    smoothwall is the doggies, and it's FREE
  21. D


    I've banged an IE7 download blocker on our group policy, not having that shite on until it's been fully tested
  22. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    Good stuff last night, Properly enjoyed it lads, sorry for being ubershit and keep dying to start with hehe am watching Casino Royale on Weds but can do Thurs or Fri?
  23. D

    TV Aerial Question...

    I had a look on the digitalUK website and it said you are best with a wideband aerial outside the house for a good reception, but my mate runs his off a crappy lil portable one?
  24. D

    Gears of war from 8pm tonight

    Mine's still at the post office, not gonna be able to get it until Friday :(
  25. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    Looks like we're having issues boys, Keeps saying "host has ended the session" when I'm connecting?
  26. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    Good stuff, gimme a message and I'll pop COD3 out of the drawer and sub it for SCDA :D
  27. D

    wii outsells ps3 in the us

    I often think if someone like Nintendo sold the Wii for say £50 they'd shift millions and millions, they'd still make their money on the games and clean up in the process!
  28. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    awww i wanted to windmill
  29. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    Sounds good, I'll windmill into the forces
  30. D

    Splinter Cell Online tonight? (360)

    Work pay for it though so I can't complain. Never played online before, but looking forwards to it, how does it work? gameplay-wise?