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Search results

  1. D

    Looking for a new contract? Look no further!

    never had a problem with 3
  2. D

    Im Gutted. Car has been keyed....

    Jealous b******s
  3. D

    Small server quote

    Nice and easy to read that mate!
  4. D

    Breaking a TV..........

    Put your foot through the front and say you had a muscle twitch
  5. D

    More money than sense..

    Winner looks like a scammer anyway
  6. D

    $3 MS Package

    Our company is looking to move into SA and this would be extremely beneficial for us as an employment company looking to improve the lives of poor townships
  7. D

    Hi im new please be gentle ;)

    Rat pics?
  8. D

    One of the cars in my garage.

    not my thing, but I take doff my hat in your general direction in recognition of your skills fella :)
  9. D

    120Mph + No oil = Ouch!

    Sounds like a normal Hyundai?
  10. D

    Sniffpetrol Clio Advert

    Saw this @ weekend and PMSL :D
  11. D

    Check this effort out!

    it has offended my eyes
  12. D

    17 + insurance on cup

    Just don't bother :S
  13. D

    Latest... erm... "mod"

    Oh dear
  14. D

    Show me your console setup

    Some mega-geeks on here!! I've got a 32 inch CRT Loewe that my mate gave me when he bought his Bravia. Says he wishes he had the Loewe back haha
  15. D

    small tv great picture cheap for bedroom

    Get out of bed you lazy feckers
  16. D

    Post pictures of ur most unique mod.

    I reversed into my own house :S
  17. D

    Your Car, your Age ?

    28 X Reg Golf GT Tdi 71k Had to sell my nice car to get my pussy palace
  18. D

    Todays pics

    Poor Jenny
  19. D

    PS3 Price drop

    ^^ knowsit ^^ they need to scurry back into their pits hehe
  20. D

    GTA IV Trailer... Not long now...

    I'll definitely be buying it, get so much play out of the GTA games, well worth it
  21. D

    Just thought this was funny

    too much time on your hands
  22. D

    more black 360

    gash, could paint my fucker black with some umbrol
  23. D

    "Brotha can't drive"

    Hahaha at least the brakes still worked ;)
  24. D

    DJe´s 197

    the spoiler makes so much difference
  25. D

    what has he done!!!

    I'd rather set fire to the money
  26. D

    Quick! Smashed Window....

    fcuking jealous cnuts
  27. D

    Im so angry!!!! (Vandlised cup...)

    Good excuse for a carbon bonnet (tm) Gutted for you fella
  28. D

    XBOX 360 Mines Got The Ring Of Death!!

    Roll it up in a towel and kick seven shades out of it?
  29. D

    Use your seatbelt!

    Habit to put a seatbelt on, don't even think about it. feel vulnerable too as ollie says