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  1. Scott™

    Back in the fold....

    Wtf did i post this in here! Was meant for discussion! I will have to add pictures now. Gay.
  2. Scott™

    Back in the fold....

    Not much of a thread really but yup back in the fold. Drove 5 and a half hours each way yesterday to pick up my new 182. Fell straight back in love with it yesterday on the drive home. I have some great plans for this one so look out for a project thread. I couldn't resist another :)
  3. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    In having a right mare at the moment. My sims are leaving as they have no money and my factories shutting as they have no workers? Wtf?
  4. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

  5. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Haha oops :P
  6. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    I keep getting factories close saying not enough places to ship. What am I doing wrong?
  7. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Yea I've been taking water from you all day haha. It is pretty cool. Your city is doing well mate. Pretty big.
  8. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    I am being consumed by this game. It is brilliant. But in my opinion it restricts creativity massively simply because the city sizes are far too small. It pretty much encourages you to have square cities as you have to maximise space.
  9. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Someone ping me an invite
  10. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Guys how do I find your region? I'm on the right sever and my origin is scotty2088
  11. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Lol I'd say it's thinking smart.
  12. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    tesco £33
  13. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Well the maps are all a bit meh. None really hooked me, I liked 2 out of 4. The other two were w**k. I will play them for a bit but I should imagine I revert back to metro soon enough.
  14. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Cheers Darren, I'm all sorted now.
  15. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    The second file is smaller but taking an age.
  16. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Down loading new content now. I warn you lads, two files of 1.98 and 1.73 GB.
  17. Scott™

    Do Apple have any form of complaints process?

    Yup 2 hours each way. As far South and West you can go in Wales lol.
  18. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Ok so no where sells windows 7 locally and the Mac boot camp doesn't recognize windows 8. Where did people source windows 7 from?
  19. Scott™

    my inferno.. recarod.. bremo

    Lovely car.
  20. Scott™

    Few pictures of my 200 :D rubbish with a camera though.

    No probs. :) Any plans for her?
  21. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    Cheers dude. I popped to tescos tonight to get windows 7 but they only had 8 and I've been reading up that people have had issues running 8 through bootcamp.
  22. Scott™

    youtube...some people have no brains at all !

    Good lad :rasp:
  23. Scott™

    Sim City (5)

    I'm biting the bug and getting windows installed on bootcamp tomorrow so I can get rolling on this.
  24. Scott™

    **show us Your Engine Bay**

    I personally think yours looks better minus the engine cover :)
  25. Scott™

    youtube...some people have no brains at all !

    Are you being serious? Yes there is a time and place for it and most have perhaps done it but not in built up areas like that with cars parked both sides of the road.
  26. Scott™

    Dynamic with big brother

    RB 197 = win.
  27. Scott™

    Few pictures of my 200 :D rubbish with a camera though.

    Nice car dude and nice colour. They just don't do it for me though.
  28. Scott™

    custom rear springs fitted!

    That looks very different. I'm not going to knock it though. Each to their own.
  29. Scott™

    youtube...some people have no brains at all !

    That first video is dreadful. All I kept thinking was I hope a little kid or dog doesnt run out etc. Grade A w**ker. I didn't give the other videos time of day.
  30. Scott™

    Do Apple have any form of complaints process?

    Again true but I did pay £500 for it and I couldn't live with the fault.