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  1. W

    Just gave the old engine bay a wipe down....

    Looks nice. Different to the rest. Good on ya. LOL at the screwdriver.
  2. W

    Halifax photoshoot pictures - March 2012

    Yh. He hasn't always been a dot ;)
  3. W

    182 Catalyst Replacement

    Just buy one 2nd hand off here. Swear I saw one for sale earlier today.
  4. W

    Rig shot of my RB

    That looks amazing!
  5. W

    Grand Theft Auto V

    It needs to hurry the f**k up.
  6. W

    insurance companys

    c***s. All of them.
  7. W

    My 182 + Leon Cupra R

    Leon looks mean.
  8. W

    Modding Upper Plenum

    Try it. YOu can get upper inlets for like £30.
  9. W

    Halifax photoshoot pictures - March 2012

    Love your VTS. <3 the R26.R more though :o
  10. W

    what and how?

    FInd the serial number on the back and google it.
  11. W

    Looking at getting a 182

    Yes. Or getting a 172 instead. Do you really want to spend the extra monies on a twin exhaust ;)
  12. W

    insurance companys

    I did with adrian flux ok this year.
  13. W

    iPad 3 - Released March 16th. Pre-Orders start 7th March

    Ok. So that's the trailer. Where's the actual film. I was ready for some action :(
  14. W

    Simplefitment Crew

    Don't see why being able to fit under a lorry is impressive. Those civics in F&F did it easy enough. Lovely car though.
  15. W

    Just picked up the 200

  16. W

    Decent Angel eyes...

    Just buy some new ones if you don't want to clean your current ones up. Non xenon ones aren't that expensive.
  17. W

    MY EP3

    What have they done to that civic :(
  18. W

    Decent Angel eyes...

    Angel eyes are a no go.
  19. W

    Nice save.

    f**king hell. Nicely done.
  20. W

    Damn Cats!!!

  21. W

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    I can't even remember what level I am :(
  22. W

    The Draw Something Thread (usernames etc)

    I'm so sorry luke. Imagine that last one, WITHOUT an 's' in the word :o Missreading FTL
  23. W

    The Draw Something Thread (usernames etc)

    That was epic. So much attention to detail.
  24. W

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Oh that gun. I want.
  25. W

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    What gun are you talking about?
  26. W

    CUP Spoiler fitted! Pics inside! :D

    So much better.