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  1. P

    Cheap & Good Interior Modifications
  2. P

    New star soccer addicts Here please !!

    Thread for all playing NSS !!! Just signed for barca.... Made the euro final with England lost to span 2-0 ffs !!
  3. P

    What have you done to your car today ???

    Sent my cup spoiler away to be sprayed Monaco blue ;)
  4. P

    iOS "must have" apps

    More so than crack
  5. P

    Ford Fiesta RS Turbo Protection Detail

    Very nice love my fiesta rs turbos.... Has this been re shelled in its life to a mk3.5 shell ??
  6. P

    iOS "must have" apps

    Just won the prem with wigan 3 points clear from man city and man united lol Now just moved to man united as fancy a change also playing for England!!!
  7. P

    iOS "must have" apps

    NSS is too addictive
  8. P

    What have you done to your car today ???

    Fitted my freshly sprayed plastic interior items to complement the re trimmed alacantara head liner and a pillers
  9. P

    Airbag light on - can anyone help - MOT due in a fortnight!!

    As above matey not yet in place to fail an air bag warning light yet !!!!
  10. P

    Some Monaco Love..

    Best colour ;)
  11. P

    What does this mean

    You have a problem that's what it means.... Get the fault codes read matey only way to find out what's going on
  12. P

    I need help with a problem I am having with my Clio 172 cup!!

    That's the damaged to manifold warning Sound pmsl Welcome
  13. P

    What have you done to your car today ???

    Fitted short shift link slightly makes the throw shorter much better :)
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    Big Smash on m62

    This is all too true !!!
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    Big Smash on m62

    Hopefully it looks worse than it was !!!
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    What have you done to your car today ???

    Drove too and from work also filled the tank
  17. P

    advice required for paint work

    Get rid of the misses lol
  18. P

    Tapatalk issues

    I just photobucket matey.... Use the app Much better than loading them straight to he site