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Search results

  1. P

    Oil Filler Cap

    If you mean by screw on as in is has a thread then this one will do the job
  2. P

    how much air con gas?

    Air conditioning refrigerant quantitygrams:710±35 Air conditioning oilType:SP10 Air conditioning oil quantitycm³:135 Air conditioning oil viscosityISO:46
  3. P

    Clio 172 Headbolt tightening torques

    Stage 1 30nm Stage 2 30nm Stage 3 180 degrees As above re new bolts
  4. P

    Dephaser Pulley Timing! need help!

    Thanks Fred that clears it up for me as I will be doing mine soon but looking at the new pulley there are no markings on it.... So i thought it must not matter how it bolted to the cam !!! Just need clarification ;)
  5. P

    iPad/iPhone Bluetooth not connecting

    Hmmmm ok !!! Think you got to much sun today lol Also I think have opppsss just relise he was on about personal hotspot My bad ;)
  6. P

    iPad/iPhone Bluetooth not connecting

    Also depends what hot spot you want to connect too, e.g if it's a Bt one you have to be registered to use them to pay for it or be a btinternet customer... Or If it's a pub or cafe you just need their password
  7. P

    Banstead, Surrey

    Sounds good man
  8. P

    So you said it couldn't be done... 182 Bought!

    Rule of thump don't skimp on tyres and brakes.... THey are the only things that keep you in contract with the road and stop you Also respect the timing belt intervals Mines two years away from needing to be done, but I'm doing mine soon.... as I only have had the car a few months and doing...
  9. P

    Finally got round to taking pictures of the Clio's replacement.. the Megane Trophy!

    Nice matey I'm contemplating in get one of these next before I get another M3 Just fancy one !!!
  10. P

    Finally have turinis but unsatisfied

    Looks good to me or sell me the wheels ;)
  11. P

    So you said it couldn't be done... 182 Bought!

    I think this is a great buy tbh..... At that price once the belts done and few other bits even if he stuck 20k miles on it in the next year he would not make a loss if wanted to sell on !!!
  12. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    If it has failed you can legally drive a car from the mot station to a garage to get repaired and then back to the mot station!!! Without mot If you for pulled you would have to prove that you are doing the above !!! Basically if it does fails get it repaired ASAP, this is why we advise...
  13. P

    RSTurbo 90 Spec Project

    I have just seen a very good example of a fiesta rs turbo my heart is saying go and have a look but the mind is saying keep the money for the house lol Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! I will have to hide it from the misses lol
  14. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    Also I was gonna say take it to a local authority run mot station that only does the mot and no repairs you will get a genuine mot carried out as they are not looking for extra work ;) Unlike many other places
  15. P

    Pastiemans ph2 172

    As the weather was good thought I would give the Clio a bit of a clean....
  16. P

    Minecraft Xbox 360

    Doesnt a bucket hold one square cube worth of water.... Would take a bloody long time to fill a moat up even I you had 64 of them filled up at a time lol
  17. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    Wow you found the mot guide well done you.... Yes it states it in the Manual but it has not come in to action yet !!! There is still alot of legal crap to deal with and also it gives us more time for testers and the general public to get use to what's coming into the test !! Like trailer plugs...
  18. P

    Why can't I find a decent 182 for around 2300.

    Which i think is madness tbh why people have a stigma about 100k + cars Buy on condition, history and recent work carried out !! And also you get a feel from the owner when viewing on how they look after the car too ;)
  19. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    That's why it has failed then the Irish mot is different to ours im sure they already are failing these items ;)
  20. P

    Banstead, Surrey

    Don't think I can do this Friday matey :(
  21. P

    Why can't I find a decent 182 for around 2300.

    When I bought mine I was looking for a Monaco blue ph2 172 and lucky enough one came up for £2k in great condition !!! Best thing to do is watch the classifieds here for decent examples and also you can search the owners posts for trouble or work they have done ;) That's what I normally do buy...
  22. P

    Steering Wheel

    I had mine done for £119 Pm if want the details matey ;)
  23. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    This statement just shows that what you believe to be correct can be very very wrong !!! Bring your mates car to me who failed "3" times for the airbag warning light and i would pass and advise it
  24. P

    Banstead, Surrey

    If there is going to be a little meet at the downs then it has to be this weekend or in a few weekends time as derby day is nearly here and there will be now where to park lol
  25. P

    RSTurbo 90 Spec Project

    No they are not With the correct mods they will run sweet I you want to know more about the Efi side of things get on very good site an loads of info on these ;) Also passionford is another good site for information on these
  26. P

    2K to spend. Phase 1 or Phase 2 Cup?

    I just couldn't live with the ph1 front end and the interior No Matter how good the car is.... I wouldn't even own a ph1 v6 Ph2 172 it would be for me
  27. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    Here you go this is the special notice ALL mot testers would have got Read this
  28. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    So what you read on the Internet is correct ffs !!! And I am wrong as an mot tester and the seminar I went to in march told us it might come in later summer ??? If you want information on anything to do with the mot get it from Vosa no where else, the rest is bs !!
  29. P

    EML on - MOT due soon

    HOw many times is it going to be said the new mot failure items have not yet come in to force..... If your mate failed on an air bag warning light he could have asked for an appeal form and would have won !!! If your eml light is on at at this present moment in time it will be a pass and advise
  30. P

    Anyone else play Minecraft?

    Jesus to much time on your hands here lol Wish I could put he time in on doing something like this ha ha ha