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Search results

  1. C

    My orange 1.2!!

    looks good. You got any day pictures?
  2. C

    cv boot

    no just cv boot. This is what i thought at first. I assume a local garage will be cheaper.
  3. C

    Window tint help

    30% back 50% front. I know you not supposed to have fronts
  4. C

    New wheels pics :D

    much better!
  5. C

    cv boot

    How much do you think it should cost me to get a new cv boot fitted? Renault want 300!
  6. C

    when braking a light flickers on the dash

    i have this problem but cant be arsed to do anything about it lol
  7. C

    Knocking noise, front end...

    Check to see if you have loads of excess grease around that area
  8. C

    Knocking noise, front end...

    cv boot has split?
  9. C

    the best silver 172??

    stunning. just needs bullets matching the wheels
  10. C

    request: white wheels/silver car

    not nice imo
  11. C

    The Rattle Factor...

    i got the 3k rattle which does my head in but the heat shield isnt loose :S
  12. C

    had a go at the bullets

    nice one. guna get mine done anthracite :cool:
  13. C

    had a go at the bullets

    nice. sorry to sound thick but does the front renault badge just pop off?
  14. C

    Bro's Swift Sport

    sounds really nice.
  15. C

    Ph-Rep Update & Pictures

    that is stunning! for a rep it looks incredible and exactly how i want my 172! The wheel size and lowness is perfect!
  16. C

    Longest you HAVE NOT cleaned your clio

    clean mine every saturday. longest i been with my clio though was 1 month as the weather was so bad
  17. C

    German p**n thread

    sorry if already posted
  18. C

    German p**n thread

    this thread and the jdm one makes me sick lol.